The big iron gate finally opened and he was allowed to walk this time around. They walked for a while before using a small elevator down one floor. Okay so four stories down.

Did this person kill the whole country or something? They stepped out of the elevator and walked into a big open area. In the middle of it was a see through glass room. He could see someone lying on the bed but hadn't seen the person. The glass room had a metal door as it opening and before they could get 5 feet to it, it blared an alarm and out of nowhere automatically controlled guns were pointed at them from all corners.

"Don't move."
The guard warned.

Motion detector guns. They had to be.

Who on Earth was this guy? The guard swiped his card again and used his fingerprints as well.
The guns rolled back to where they came from.

They walked to the metal door and he punched in a code. It came wrong the first time and he hit his forehead. The second one he punched came right.

The access code was probably changed every 24 hours. Wow.

The metal door slid open and that caught the man's attention. He sat up.

They both looked at each other. He looked vaguely familiar. Not in the sense that they had met before because he hadn't met this pale man before. He was Arab but he could pass of as a sick white man now. The lack of sunlight had made his skin color pale, and even he felt sorry for him now.

"I asked for just him. Everyone out."

"You don't boss anyone here, again. You have no power remember that."

"You will regret!..." The man sighed and shook his head.

He put on a small smile.

"I'm sorry officer. I'd like to speak with this man alone though. My wish was to speak with him alone. So if you can grant that simple thing." The man cocked his head.

"Fine. If you try anything funny, you already know."

"I won't. I still remember last time. Got the scars to prove it. And besides, I can't swim." The man smiled wildly.

So they were surrounded by water.

The guard finally left the room with the other men without another word.

"Please, sit." The man offered.

"This is not the time to be a perfect host. You've got less than 5 minutes now. Why did you want to see me?" He wanted to get out of here.

"I had to see you. I had a feeling you'd be brought here. For such crimes as yours."

"And you know my crimes, how?"

"Well you weren't the mastermind I can tell. For all I know you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. Your parents weren't the most honest people around. Such a bright mind and all they used you for was for their own selfish needs."

"I don't know what you are going on about and I don't care. Just get to the point."

"I just wanted to see the man who would indirectly make my dreams a reality."

"Me? You look like someone who is staying here forever. How do you think I'm going to make any of your stupid dreams a reality."He scoffed.

"Oh not you. But because of you. So thank you in advance."

"For what?"

"It will be best if you don't know." He continued to smile.

"Can I ask a question?"

With souls, PairedWhere stories live. Discover now