Family Dinner - Jensen's POV

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*Jensen's POV*

I heard Kenzie walk into the house and heard all the kids yell, "Kenzie!" (and "sissy" from JJ, Arrow, and Zepp) as they ran to give her hugs while Aria was jumping all over everyone.

I heard her say, "Hi guys!" and figured she gave them all hugs then picked one of them up and probably let Aria off her leash.

That dog went EVERYWHERE with her. They were attached at the hip, I've never seen a human/dog connection as deep as theirs is. I don't even think Jared and Sadie's (RIP) connection was that deep. Aria meant everything to Mackenzie and I don't think there's anything she wouldn't do for that dog. Aria was her baby and Mackenzie was Aria's human. It was like a match made in Heaven.

I heard her walk over to the living room to give Vicki a hug, who was on the couch on her phone with West asleep in her lap.

She then walked into the kitchen and gave me a side hug because she was holding Maison and I was finishing the chili.

I said, "Hi, daughter," and smiled.

She said, "Hi, father. How was filming today? Did you guys pull any good pranks or did you actually get some work done?"

I laughed then said, "yes we got some work done and yes we pulled some pranks."

She smiled and said, "well at least you got some work done. You guys will have to tell us about the pranks at dinner."

I said, "Okay," smiled and kissed the side of her head then she walked to put Maison down and West came over to give her a hug because he woke up.

She picked West up to give him a hug then I said dinner was ready so she kissed his head and took all the kids to go wash their hands, guiding them to the downstairs bathroom to do so.

After a few minutes of everyone talking to each other, Kenz turned to me and asked what my favorite prank was from today.

I smiled and looked at Misha then said, "probably the one Misha and I pulled on Jared. We found a bunch of cardboard cutouts of Gen and hid them around the set to make it look like she was watching him. And we kept moving them too. We even put some in his trailer and snuck a few on set between scenes."

We started laughing and Jared waved his hand at us like 'yeah whatever' but was smiling then kept eating.

Kenz asked Misha what his favorite was and he said, "that one was my favorite but my favorite part of it was when he went in his trailer and we had put a cutout right in front of the door so when he walked in, he literally jumped because he wasn't expecting anything there."

We laughed again and Kenz then asked Jared what his favorite was. He said, "the one that all 3 of us pulled on Alex today. We kept purposely making him mess up and distract him during his scenes. Like, at one point for about an hour, whoever was closest to him would randomly poke his legs, hard, or start to pull his pants down or something. It reminded me of when Misha first came to the show and Jensen and I messed with him all the time."

Again, we all laughed, then Kenzie asked why Alex wasn't here, and Misha said Alex told them us was busy tonight and already had something else going on.

She said, "oh okay," then turned to Vicki and said, "how did your day go? Did you and the kids do anything fun?"

Vicki said, "it was good. We slept in then I took them to the park to play for a few hours and when we got back they napped for about 2 hours while I got laundry and stuff done. When they woke up, they played for a little bit then we got ready and came here.

Kenzie said, "cool," then went back to eating and Dee spoke up, asking the kids if they had fun and what they did.

They all said they had fun and JJ said her favorite part was running around with Aria and Arlo in the backyard, Tom said his favorite was jumping on the trampoline and finger painting, Shep said his favorite was finger paints too, Odette and Arrow said they liked Girl VS Monster, and Zeppelin said he really liked Jessie.

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