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Mackenzie's POV

"Mom, what's up?"

"You know, I think Laurel has a crush on you. I can see you guys getting married."

"Really?! You think so?"

"Yes. I can see it in the way you guys interact with each other and the way you look at each other. I think you found your one."

"Thanks, Mom. I love you." I said as I gave her a hug and ran to catch up with Laurel.

Mom hung back and I asked Laurel out. She said yes so I grabbed her hand and turned to give Mom a thumbs up.

In the car, Laurel and I sat in the way back while the twins car seats were in the middle seats. The twins slept the whole time and Laurel and I talked and flirted.

When we got to my house, Aria wanted to lick the babies but we redirected her attention to Laurel and then went outside and played with her while the twins were sleeping so Mom and Dad could have alone time.

After dinner, Laurel and I took Aria for a walk to the park and talked and got to know each other more. 

I finally told Laurel Danneel and Jensen were my adoptive parents and she told me she grew up in foster homes. I told her she always had a home in me and pecked her lips.

After Aria was worn out from chasing her ball, I picked her up (yes she weighs a fuckton but she's still my baby), took Laurel's hand, and walked home.

When we got there, Aria went to sleep as the twins woke up. Mom, Dad, Laurel, and I all played with them until they went back to sleep. Then, Mom and Dad said we needed to set "ground rules." 

*Rolls eyes*

1 Door can be closed, but preferred open.

2 No sex (okay whatever)

3 No excessive making out

4 Laurel can come over when they're not home but they need to know she's here

I listened to all of them besides #2 (I'm 16 so I'm gonna have sex) cause I knew they meant well and I'm their first teenager. I'm a good kid so I don't have to follow too many rules.

Mom and Dad went to bed and Laurel and I went to my room and cuddled and talked most of the night. We got like 2 hours of sleep because we stayed up talking before I had to leave for work. At least I could take Laurel with me though. :)

Today we were doing another episode with Gen! Ruby gets resurrected and comes after Sam and Dean. Of course, Laurel and I fangirled over seeing Gen in Ruby clothes cause *heart eyes.* Gen was still pregnant though so they had to edit that out and she had to really watch what she did and how she did it. 

After filming, Laurel and I slept over at Gen's and Jared probably ended up at my house.

End ch. 24

I know. It's been a while. I had writer's block. Sorry.

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