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No Ones POV
A finger circled the rim of a glass. She smiled gracefully at the people in the room. The flickering of the candle light on her face and hair made it look darker. Youmg men kept glancing at her making her feel uncomfortable, she blew a lok out of her face.

The moonlight outside shining on th he garden and small pond seemed to be glowing. If she were to just get closer to the door...

" Excuse me Miss, may I have this dance?" She turned her head, her eyes locking with his. "...yes, you may." She said hesitating to take his hand.

They walked over and began to dance. " So my name is-" "Hawk, Hawk Snow White. Yes I know... sorry for interrupting. " she said wanting to hide many ladies were glaring at her. " No, its fine. I'm just shocked that you know me and your not... you know." She raised one of her perfect eyebrows, "Fangirling? " she sighed, " Sorry to break it to you pretty boy but, the world doesn't revolve around you. Especially my world." She replied bluntly, " I never got your name Miss." "that's because I didn't tell you." she said interrupting me. "May I have it?" He asked while twirling her.

"No, you may not have my name." She said, glancing at the clock. " Why is that Miss?" "It would be for the best." She replied her eyes sparkled under the candle light. "Ah, you have a secret." "Perhaps, or not. " she said, as the song ended. Sh walked away and opened the door. She breathed, her eyes flickered around. Then she walked by the pond staring at her reflection. Her eyes sparkled under the moonlight. She walked and hid by a bush, as she watched Hawk look for someone - her. She felt thd butterflies in her stomach flutter.

She was in love, she knew it. She pinched her arm, 'snap out of it' she thought. Her eyes scanned the horizon. The sun would come up soon. She ran to the woods. And watched Hawk run around the garden. "Walk away prince, walk away." She muttered under her breath. Why was love so painful was all that wandered through her head. He walked away, and looked back at the garden. And continued to walk away. "For both of our sakes, I hope we never meet again. But I think we both know better. Goodbye." She said as a tear dripped from her porcelain face. She felt her heart crack. She walked deeper into the woods, wishing to have all her pain vanish. But wasn't willing to pay the price yet.

Hawk watched the horizon as the sun rose. "where did you go, Miss?" He questioned, while looking around. He sighed, remebering her piercing blue eyes, and her wit as, that she didn't bat an eye at Hawk. "Well, Miss I will find you. I feel like fate is on my side. I will find you, cause I feel like this isn't goodbye." He said walking go the balcony and smirking, " I promise. "

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Hey I am back,
I did unpublish this but, I will republish it soon. Bye.

Wednesday November 4th/2020

7:41 PM

523 words

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