Gift Exchange (Lingvis)

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Hey! I'm back, someone gave me a request!  Anyway, we're here for... Lingvis. I've been thinking... here thus story goes, don't forget to
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Travis's POV
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It's almost Ling Ling and my 1 month anniversary! Of dating... anyway, I'm nervous and excited about it. I got the best present, for Ling Ling! I got her a present, that represents the love that we share.

I hope Rose, won't mess with my relationship with Ling Ling. Since I'm going on vacation, a day before spring break, Rose will give Ling Ling my gift. I mean how hard is it to give someone a gift. " Well, good night, Nut." I said as I drifted off to sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - The next day- - - - - - - - - -

Ling Ling's POV
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I'm sad that Travis can't make it, but he said Rose would help exchange our gifts! I got Travis's something he would love! "Granny I'm off to school!" I said, then jumped on my dragon, to take off.

Rose POV
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" Oh, Travis ,um... you shouldn't have." I said bitterly, Travis got her a paintbrush! He blushed, "Yeah, it reminds me, of her!" I gave a weak smile then a small laugh, "is this a joke?" He looked confused, " No, this is the present."He said then smiled, " Ling Ling will love it! Bye Rose." He said, then got in the car to drive to the airport. I smiled and waved bye. Ling Ling's going to be soooooo upset! She got him amazing gift.

I have to do something, but I have to get to school, and talk to the Lingvis fanclub(Astoria, Joy, and Rose). I have to fix this, before anything horrible will happen, Lingvis might not ship!!!

Astoria's POV
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I saw Rose running toward Joy, and me. She couldn't stop, "Sto-" She crashed into us. I couldn't help but, to be angry. "Rose! What is the matter?!" She was really testing my patience today, "um... how do I put this to you nicely..." Joy's eyes widened, " Is the fly population down?" She asked with worry in her eyes. " Uh... no-" "Did you forget to do your homework?" " Um... I'm not gonna answer tha-" Hawk jumped out of the bush, " Did an apple tree burn down?" Hawk asked looking scared and horrified. I sighed, " Does it have to deal with shoes?" I said with the word, 'shoes' with distaste.

She rolled her blue eyes, " No! It's about... Lingvis! " Hawk sighed, " What did Travis do this time?" Rose's eyes widened, " How did you know?" Joy giggled, " With Travis it's just obvious. " " What did Travis get for Ling Ling?" I couldn't help but to have curiosity burn through me. Rose sighed, " A paintbrush. " She said it trying to mock Travis, but with more of a bitter tone.

She opened the box to show us a nicely packed paintbrush. " It's not that bad... for Travis." I said Hawk looked at me oddly, " I would've given her an apple." I facepalmed, " You guys don't understand taste." I mumbled, " oh, my grade! Ling Ling will be heartbroken." Rose sighed, " She was over the moon, when we were talking yesterday.

Joy looked at the paintbrush, " What is up with giving brushes for presents? Is it an earth or Travis thing?" " Why don't we give Ling Ling a different gift instead?" Hawk asked. Rose snapped her fingers, "That's an amazing idea, Hawk!" Rose exclaimed as Hawk startef to blush. Then we got started.

end of school day, cause I'm lazy

Ling Ling POV
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"Rose do you have the gift?" I said looking at the rest of my team, who were blushing and nodding. " Y-yeah, right here." She handed me a pink bag.

I opened the bag to find a box... I glanced up, "uh, why are you watching me?" They all shrugged in syc I opened the box... " oh, he shouldn't have." I said picking a bow and arrow with bows and ribbons. Rose smiled, " Do you like your present?" Joy asked with her eyes wide, with curiosity. I smiled and clutched onto the arrow.

Does our love not really matter? I got him a present from the heart? Does he only see me as a princess who likes ribbons and bows. Or a warrior? I tightened my grip then, "snap" I broke the arrow. Rose and Joy looked horrified, " Why did you do that?!" Hawk asked raising his voice looking at the broken pieces of wood letting it dig into my skin.

"I got him the best gift! And he gives me a bow and an arrow!" I retorted.
" W-what was the g-gift?" Rose asked nervously. " Paintbrushes, to paint and express our love." Astoria was shocked Joy turned into a frog, Rose looked like she was about to pass out. All of them started to blush, " Why ate you guys blushing?" They all looked away from me. I sighed, Rose can I borrow your phone?" She nodded looking away from me. As she handed me her phone. I was about to call Travis when he was falling from the sky.

He fell onto a bed of flowers. " Ling Ling! "He exclaimed as he tried to kiss me. So I slapped him. Quite hard. He looked shocked. " Ling Ling, what!?" He stood there as I started to yell, " How could you! You're like EVERYONE ELSE!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU GAVE ME A STUPID BOW WITH ARROW'S WITH PINK RIBBON'S!!!!" I shouted which made him confused, "But that doesn't make sense. I gave you a paint brush.... unless.... ROSE CINDERELLA!!!" He shouted making her flinch. " Yeah, that's my name. " She said slowly backing up. "EXPLAIN!!!"Travis roared as Rose gulped, " I GAVE YOU ONE JOB!!! JUST ONE! AND YOU MESSED IT UP?!"and with that she started to run along with Joy, Hawk, and Astoria.

I gave Travis a kiss, " You know Travis... I already have the best gift." He looked confused, "What?" I smiled, " You." I said as we shared a kiss.

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Phew, that took a while. Well anyways I'm sooo sorry pmchin for the delay. Well I hope you enjoy. Well... don't forget to
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Paws out!

11:22 PM Thursday August 29 2019

1037 words

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