She (part 2 of Miss??)

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Hawk POV
I have to find her. Granny says I went mad, but I know I haven't I just can't help that love is madness. I want no need to find her. No one can just disappear. Right?

Travis is calling her the Ghost Mistress. She isn't a ghost. When we danced she felt real. I felt her and sparks dancing on my skin when we touched. Even if we can't be together... I need some closure. I need to know she is alright. Or at least her name. I don't care if she's royal or not. I want her not someone else.

My friends are helping me to find her but, nothing.


Rose POV

"Well, how did the ball go?" Joy asked me. I gave her a forced smile, "It was fun." "Did you see anyone?" "Yes, there were many people there, but "green meanie" wasn't there," I said feeling a bit sad.

Joy, Lyra(little mermaid), Daphne (daughter of the 2nd dancing princess), Calypso ( granddaughter of Esme who is a nature fairy), and me.

We were all put under curses. And as long as the witch who put the spell on us is out there she could be causing a lot of damage. My curse was that everyone I knew would forget about me. My brother, boyfriend, family, and some of my old friends all forgot about me besides Joy and her family, the frog curse was put on them by the same book that was used on me.

I made friends along the way who are helping all of us to get back to normal.

Vicky put the spell on us, I called her a green meanie after Joy turned her into a frog, and... Well, she wasn't amused. Like at all. So that name kind of stuck. Like the other names, I call her here are my top three I go with

And Victoria

Oh, she hates it when we call her Victoria. Which is another reason why I like to call her it.

I expected to see her at the dance but, she wasn't there. Going back hurt, especially since Hawk was(/ is) my boyfriend. I mean we never really broke up. Dr.LeFrog is helping us to get back to normal by using potions and spells.

When Hawk asked me to dance I felt the butterflies come back. I left... Because I don't want Vicky to hurt him. I would rather have him happy with someone else than be dead because of me. So for the sake of both of us, I hope he doesn't look for me.

It hurt so much the first time I let him go. I can't imagine how I could do it again. His happiness and life are more important than what I want.

I have to help my friends. Daphne is so upset by her curse. Now she can't dance... well she can it's just bad. She's been practicing but, it's like she has two left feet. Lyra can't become a mermaid anymore and see her family up close. When she touches water she feels like her skin is on fire and needles are piercing through her skin. She tried to go into the water on the beach but, cried out. She said it was like walking on glass but, worse. Now Calypso can't use her nature magic or talk to animals. Or shrink down to go "bug size" with the small animals.

I can't be selfish when I have people counting on me.

"Oh, curses!" I heard a crash, probably Daphne, "Are you okay, D?" I called out seeing her on the floor with a chair on her. "Yeah but, I don't think I will ever dance again." She slumped and pouted. Her green eyes glittered with sadness and her chocolate brown locks were tied up into a bun but, her bangs waved in front of her eyes teasingly.

She smiled at me, "But, I can still learn and practice." I nodded, "You still can learn. And besides, we can all help you." She gave me a bright smile, "Thanks what would I do without you?" she asked smiling, "Crash, fall, and cry." I replied smiling at her, she laughed, "thanks for always being there for me."

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