Starlight, and Moonlight(Hase)

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Rose POV
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I sighed,
I looked at Hawk who was right by my side. The night sky is so beautiful,
More beautiful than it is on earth.
We're both sitting on the grass with our friends.
I see Shawn and Astoria a bit farther away from the group talking. Joy and Esquire. Then last of all Ling Ling and Travis. I love that ship. I glance to see the warrior and artist laughing. A smile is brought to my lips.
I look at Astoria and Shawn reading using a mask that Shawn created to make light. Me and Hawk are very quiet just staring at the night sky. I feel him staring at me every so often.
"Rose?" "Yeah?" He just stared at me. I stared back. His eyes a turquoise blue green, glistening and sparkling even more in the moon light. I sighed. He made my heart melt. " Your very quiet, what's the matter?" He spoke so calmly. I shrugged, " Uh, the stars so beautiful tonight. I guess I'm a little lost in thought too." It was the first excuse to say instead, I was so quiet because my crush is sitting next to me in the moonlight. I smiled, "Well I'm caught in something else's beauty." I heard giggling and chuckling from around us. I realized that he was staring at me in... a loving way.
Astoria was whispering with everyone else. I heard giggling and chuckling from there little huddle. Soon in Pairs they left, me and Hawk alone. I leaned back a little. I rested my hand down laying my Palm on the ground. The stars were sparkling so brightly,... but not as brightly as Hawks eyes - er forget that ending. I sighed glancing at Hawk we both made eye contact. I started to feel my cheeks heat up. I look away. I kinda wish Astoria and the gang never left. It's very quiet,... to quiet, but almost perfect.

Hawk POV
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After me and Rose made eye contact, it felt magical, like all the time in the world stoped. Then we both looked away, my face was heating up. I still love those eyes, the sparkling blue eyes, that make your heart melt. I saw that Rose's hand wasn't at her side. I slid back. And grabbed all my courage to put my hand on top of her hand. To my surprise she didn't jump. She turned her head. Her light pink dress looked like it was glowing in the moonlight. Her eyes were brighter than any star in the sky. Everything was a bit perfect. "Rose..." "Yes, Hawk." "Rose, don't get mad at me, please," "Sure, your my best -er one of my best friends! Why could I get mad at you?" I winced when she said "Best Friends" I can't stand it when, I'm constantly getting friend zoned! I sighed this was where I would tell her, the love of my life, right here under
Starlight, and Moonlight ,

" Rose, I love you..."
I said, I didn't get a response, but she was blushing. And had a slight smile,
I was expecting her to say something, instead she kissed me, " I love you to, Hawk." Now tonight is perfect, right here under
Starlight, and Moonlight.

Hey its Cutie Cake here,
I'm not sure of how you think of my Oneshot book, please,
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Paws Out!

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