My Love for us is deeper than the Ocean (Shawntoria)

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Shawn's POV
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" Hey, Shawn." I heard and turned around to the most beautiful princess in the world. " Astoria?" I asked gaining her attention, "Tonight get the gang together, on the beach." I said. She looked puzzled, " Why, Shawn? " She asked raising an eyebrow. I bit my tongue. I couldn't tell her. " W-well. I - I thought you and the others would.... want to hang out?" I questioned myself, why can't I ever make up a lie. Rose makes it look so easy!

She gave a small laugh, " Of course I will. I do love to hang out with my friends and you... but the beach?" She said I sighed. Oh your so stupid , Shawn. Why did you have to choose the beach? Before I could respond she interrupted me, "- sand takes forever to get out of my hair!" She exclaimed I gave a small smile and held her hand, tight. " Please, for me. My princess. " I said then with my other hand brushed her hair to the side and kissed my cheek.

The clock stuck noon. "Oh sorry, Shawn I have to go." She said kissing me on the cheek quickly then running off. I watched her run until I heard someone behind me.

" Is it tonight, Shawn?" I turned around to face the rest of the team that I joined. Rose asked the question then I looked at her. " Yeah, but... I'm nervous. " Rose rolled her eyes. " you'll do great. Just don't pass out like Travis. " Travis glared at her, "Well look who's talking, you a had tears in your eyes, you looked as white as paper from shock. Oh and hesitated to say yes. " he said with a scoff. I smiled at the two blonde's. Travis stuck his tongue out. Rose smirked at him, "Be glad that were friends or I would have cast a spell on you. " She said sarcastically.

Hawk put a hand on my shoulder, " You'll do great Shawn. I am glad I did it. Because, I've never been more happier in my life." He said putting his arm around Rose then kissing her forehead. I smiled, I was happy for Hase and Lingvis, but I want it for myself to. "I'm not going to chicken out if it." I said then Joy gave me a weak smile," Yeah, but you did. Like what the last 12 times?" She said Rose shook her head, " It was actually the last 17 times if you count him tying his shoe during our senior high school year." I gave her a glare. "Why are you counting?" I asked her a bit angry at her. She dared to give out a small laugh, " Don't worry Travis has 28 times." Rose said with a smile. Hawk glared at me back mouthing : I will destroy you if you dare lay a finger on her.

Ling Ling laughed, " Shawn, Astoria will say yes. I know her. She is in love with you. And you don't know until you try." She said giving me a smile.

"Okay now my confidence is up. What should I wear?" Rose, Ling Ling, and Joy. Smiled "Time to go, Shopping!" They exclaimed. The next thing I know I'm in a store with clothes piled in my arms. Yay, I'm back into the newest prison. Wait- I'd rather be in a prison than in here. Oh no, what did I get myself into? !

Time skip

I was on the beach my shoes were off, I could feel the warm sand beneath my feet. All of us were wearing swim wear. The sky darkened then Ling Ling and Joy were wearing rompers while Astoria and Rose were wearing light dresses. Hase and Lingvis were sitting together on the same area, while Joysquire was sitting with us.

I stood up. And grabbed Astoria's hand. "Astoria Amelia Rapunzel, ever since I met you, you saved me. You were ment for greatness. Your bold, brave, smart, amazing. And from what I see, our love- is interal it will last forever. You have made me a better person. Every time when I'm in trouble I think of you. You are my savior- my light- my love. And our love is mysterious like the ocean, because we don't know what's coming next, but it is also as deep as the ocean. The waters are clear when I'm with you. I can be myself with you! Will you, Astoria Amelia Rapunzel make me the happiest prince alive and... marry me?" I asked her closing my eyes were I heard a sob come from her. I opened my eyes to see tears escape her eyes, " Yes, forever my answer is yes." She said I stood up and hugged her spinning her around then placing the ring on her finger kissing her. For once my life is perfect... or so I thought.

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Hey Cuties!
I hope you guys like this. It took me about 2 days. I really hope you like it. Today I don't have much to say...

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Paws out!

10:03 PM Sunday November 17, 2019

751 words

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