An alluring summer's dream

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Hawk POV

5 year old Hawk

It was a warm summers day, a warm breeze blew my hair out of ,y face for a brief moment. I looked out as far as I could, up in the tree by the lake and behind it an open field. I felt at peace, even in the shade the tree gave me was warm.

I saw a dot of blonde, I look closer and see a girl with blonde hair smiling in the sun, trying to catch a butterfly, I decide to go see what's over there. I walk over to her as I'm halfway there she's taking off her shoes and putting her feet in the water. She lifts her head and smiles at me and waves me over.

I awkwardly approach her, "Hi, I'm Hawk." I said fidgeting with my hands, she smiles brightly at me, "Hi Hawk! I'm ####." I don't understand, why can't I hear her name. Wind roars in my ears and she smiles, "It's nice to meet you Hawk!" She said curtsying, I'm a white dress with a blue sash.

I couldn't help but to bow back. Her bright smile lit up my face, the sun blinded me. It was really hot. Her warm smile melted my insides. "What brings you out of the fancy castle?" She asked as I took off my shoes and socks rolling up my pants. I didn't even know what I was doing until I stepped into the cool water.

Baby fish swam around me occasionally nibbling at my toes. "I came out I wanted a break." I lied, I really wanted to escape the silent walls, it felt stuffy. And without Fala....

Her soft fingers brushed my cheek, I saw her wipe the tears off my face, I didn't realise I was crying. She handed me a handkerchief, I pushed it away.

"I don't need it!" I exclaimed angrily, I'm older I don't need to cry like a baby. "Its not to wipe your tears." She said tilting her head looking at me curiously, " it was for you to bite it instead of biting your lip."

Then she pressed it gently only to pull it away from my lips to show the blood. "My brother used to bite his lip, I haven't seen him in a long time. When people leave it can make you sad, but that doesn't mean you have to be sad forever!" She exclaimed brightly.

I felt my heart beating faster, and my face heat up. What is this feeling? "Tag! You're it!" She exclaimed and I ran after her, feeling relieved and exhausted in the summer heat, but overjoyed.

I saw her hiding behind the big willow tree. I ran and caught her, we kept giggling and laughing. And we were just blissfully talking.

"You know what my favorite flower is?" She asked me as I shook my head, "What is it?" "A sunflower!" She exclaimed brightly. "Well then maybe I should call you Sunny!" I said which only made her giggle and smile, "Sunny? I'd like that." She said the. Skipped away we found a field of wild flowere and we just rand throught it chasing each other in the heat.

Later when we felt tired we sat in the shade of a tree. I grabbed my pocket knife(which was given to me by my father) and carved my name, and handed it to her, she write Sunny Rosie. "Rosie?" I whispered under my breath so I wouldn't forget.

Before I knew it the day was over and she left as quickly as she appeared. Still it was a blissful summer's day.

"Fairytale land to Hawk~." Rose said with a smile on her face I foud myself looking up at her laying my head in her lap, having the sun glare into my eyes. I squinted at the bright rays of light pooling in my eyes. 

I saw Rose's shilloete looking at me. Her hair blew gently in the wind. I raised my hand up to touch her face but, instead dandelion fuzz brushed my finger tips. I stared into her eyes looking at me unquestioningly guessing what I was thinking.

"You're so quiet." I mumbled quietly she shook her head, "We both are being quiet silly. " she said with a smile. I looked at her and a soft chuckle escaped my lips, the wind carried it softly my tone was swept away. "What's so funny?" She asked looking at me with a thought in the back of her head. "Nothing just... you're so beautiful I'm speechless." She shook her head, "That was sooo cheesy, Hawk." She said playing with my hair.

"I'm glad we got to spend time together!" She said brightly, I stood up feeling the breeze sway my hair; back and forth, back and forth. I offered her my hand, she smiled and accepted it . Her hands were soft and warm. Our fingers interlocked. I brought her hand up to my face and gave it a quick kiss. We continue to walk in the heat the summer blessed us with.

We talked for hours, just the two of us laughing and chatting. Her smile was so enchanting. I wanted to kiss her but, I wa Ted to enjoy as much time with her I could. "Oh would you look at that, the sun is setting! I'm sorry I need to go." "Yeah, I should go to." I grabbed her other hand and kissed her forehead. She went on her tip toes and kissed my lips. I kissed back not wanting the moment t to end. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. I pulled her in a d the. She pushed away her face turning red. You could see the red ess in her cheeks. "Bye. I um... gotta go! I love you!" She shouted running off, I pressed my fingers against ,y lips did that happen or...

I shot up. Too bright. I groaned at the summer sun pooling into my room. The Ray's of light were warm on my fingertips. Was that a dream? I slowly pressed my fingers on my lips; warm. I sighed looking out the window. Did that really happen. I don't know, only the summer wind and sky will ever know.

My window flutters open and a leaf flutters into my lap. Perhaps it was a dream or maybe not. Either way I wouldn't mind.

1071 words

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