Fairy Fail(Ships)

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This might go into my new series!?
And a part 2?

Rose POV
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I walked around the glass maze. I was weaving my way through the glass. It was thick and a light crystal blue. I couldn't see through it. I had to get to my friends. I walked then turned right... a dead end. The farther I go in, the more things I hear ; it brings my hope, love, care. All the way down. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I look at myself on the surface of the glass. I'm not really there. Only words that described me, and all my thoughts of the doubt that is draining my energy. " I have to find my friends!" Because if I don't this will be a major fairy fail! I pull out my wand an idea sparks in my brain. I smile, with all the doubts fadding.

Astoria POV
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" Oh, my grade! Where's Shawn?... and the others?" I sigh. I look at the glass, my reflection is only about of my thoughts and,... traits ; perfectionist, and the one that gets me mad, TO UP TIGHT!!! Like who thinks that! And I'm not overbearing, or rude! But it says my love interest is Shawn! Yes that's true but do you really have to say that! I don't even know if I'll see my friends and family. Most of all Shawn. My grades are in danger, mostly my life. This is going to be an epic fairy fail!

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I wasn't sitting down, but I was sobbing. I can't believe that I have no clue what happened to my friends and family! I sighed, I really can't believe that I have no clue where I am! I have to get into the heart of the maze, I just had to! That's when I heard, some sniffing. I kept running only listening to my ears and heart, then that's when I came upon....

Travis POV
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I was crying. I'm a prince and I CRY!!! I may never see Ling Ling again! I was crying like a baby. And then I started to sniffle, I should man up! Like my grampa, or I'll be a disappointment, as usual. I sighed then I heard a voice say, "Travis?!" I turned around only to see my green haired friend, "Joy? Am I glad to see you!" I squished her in a hug, I'm so glad at least I found one of my friends here! Then I heard these weird noises she was making until, "Can't..... breathe! " I let go of her and chucked nervously, " Sorry.." "oh, it's fine... can I ask you something..." "shoot" She stared at me for a split second, "oh, sorry... it's kinda an earth thing..." She nodded her head, " Were you crying?" Huh Joy, kinda did bring a few akward things into conversations or make somethings a bit... akward? "Yes, Joy, but don't telly Grampa!" She smiled, " Why would I?" I sighed with relief we looked at each other then said at the same time, " How are we getting out of here?" We both laughed, " Imagine Rose." I said smirking she laughed, " She might be skipping along happily, like her positive self." Then we both frowned, we both missed our dear friend, "Do you ever think we'll see them again?" I asked. "I don't know, usually Rose is the one comforting me." I sighed, " I'm starting to lose hope,... you?" She just sighed, then we started to wonder around the maze.

Hawk POV
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" ANOTHER DEAD END!!!" I yelled, " SNOW MAGIC! " no effect happened, ugh, why a maze!? "*sigh*If only Rose was here?" I looked into the glass, to see someone on the other side. "ROSE!!!" I ran to the direction, but... it was only an illusion. "Rose,... where ever you are... I'll find you." I felt stronger, " I promise." And with those words it gave me strength.

Ling Ling POV
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" Where are you, Tra-team." I was still moving around the glass maze.
Following my warrior instincts, something told me in my gut which way to go, I would go that way. I looked around everything was identical. I kept walking until,... i came upon some pumkins! "Rose must be near!" I exclaimed aloud. I ran to follow the long trail of pumkins, " Rose is really smart!" I kept running following the trail of pumpkins, then I triped on something,... a wand more specifically,

Travis's wand!

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This is only part 1, okay, I'm not gonna let you stay on a cliffhanger for long, but I'm running out of ideas of my other book... I'll try to update as I can, right now I'm busy, a ton of test are coming soon! Sorry, I'll try to update as fast as I can...
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Paws out!

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