Destiny Awaits (Hase)

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Hawk POV
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I closed my eyes remembering about my sister when she followed our family's destiny. She found her prince charming and is dating him. But he crossed the sea to make a treaty with another kingdom.

I opened my eyes, and I was still in my room. I went to my Mirror and asked as it was another family tradition, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the most handsome of them all." I said, annoyed waiting for the same response every day.

"You don't have to ryhme. And besides it Adonis Sleeping Beauty." my Mirror said showing me an image.

my eyes widened my Mirror chucked, "Kidding, it's you. As always. "

I walked down to eat breakfast with my granny and sister. "Morning." I said to my granny and sister my sister smiled and my granny said, " Your late." And I sat down and started to eat.

"Hawk, could you show someone around the Castle for me? " Fala asked I furrowed my eyebrows, Fala always showed people around. "My fiance has a sister your age and while we talk I was wondering if you would do it?"

I blinked, oh no it could be a fan girl, but I wanted Fala to be happy, "sure,  I'll do it. "I said smiling at her. 'Yay, I'm gonna die a slow death' I thought just picturing the girl flirting with me.

Two days later

I come late, to greet them but, I know my granny will get me for it. "Hi, sorry I'm late-" I stop as I see her, my heart feels like it will explode.

She had delicate and beautiful features. Crystal clear blue eyes, a cute smile that made me melt. And a petite figure, and long blonde golden hair. "H-hey I- erm I'm Hawk." I said she nodded, "Hello Hawk, I'm-" Fala cut her off, "Princess Rosalind Cinderella." Fala said she curtsied, which made Fala giggle.

I bowed to her in respect. A small smile appeared on her face, "But you can all call me Rose."

"Okay... Rose."I was on good terms with her right, I mean why else would she let me call her Rose?

Rose, oh the name even sounded angelic. I sighed internally. "Hawk, please show, Rose around" my granny said sternly

. I nodded, "It was a pleasure meeting you." Rose said politely to my granny and Fala. My granny smiled, "The pleasure was all mine, dear."

I offered her my arm, and she accepted, as we walked down the hall and turned. Letting go of my arm, "Your sister and Grandmother are lovely." She said trying to make a conversation.

I gave a small chuckle, "they can be, but wait till you see my granny mad." I said and she giggled at that, that's it I died right there as I melted into my shoes.

"Oh, um this is my family." I said showing her the painting on the wall. "You all look very charming." She said with a smile. A lock of her hair fell in her face, she hooked it behind her ear. "Thanks." I said and looked at her, with a smile. "So what about your family."

"Oh, well you met my brother, he's going to marry your sister. I live with my grandmother. Don't get me wrong, I love them it just can get... a little lonely" "Lonely" we said lonely at the same time our eyes locking on each other's.

"Yes... you feel lonely too?" She asked looking concerned for me, I nodded "yeah even with fan girls and friends, I still get lonely." She hummed a tune looking at the flower arrangement in a vase.

I couldn't help but to admire her beauty. I grabbed a rose from the vase. And handed it to her. "Oh thank thank you. She said with a smile.

One of the little servant girls fell down and what she was carrying slipped from her little 7 year old fingers. Rose walked over and picked up the stuff and tucked the flower in the little girls hair. She smiled and giggled and then ran off. I sighed she was also kind.

Then it hit me in the face. I couldn't love her, she would be family when her brother marries my sister. I bit my lip, this sucks. Well there are other girls...right?

I smile at her, "Hey you want to meet my friends?"I ask her she smiled,"Of course! I'd love to."

I grabbed her hand and ran. She was holding her dress with one hand and running a smile was plastered on her face. Her heels clicked on the floor and we laughed and went to my dragon. "Oh, is this your dragon?" She asked looking at it curiously. "Yeah, we're gonna meet my friends." I said and smiled. I offered her my hand. And she bit her lip, "Is is safe?" She asked looking up at me. I chuckled, "Very. Just hold on tight." I said she looked unsure. "It will be fun." I promised as she blew a lock out of her face.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her, her eyes twinkled, "Kinda?" She said and slowly excepted my hand.

"Here we go." I said and we took off. She gasped and tightened her grip on me. "Look at the horizon, not the ground. It helps. I promise" I felt her nod, and slowly her grip loosened.

I turned around to see her smiling her hair blew in the wind and she looked so perfect. When she smiled she looked like an angel.

"We're here." My dragon said and landed. I got down and helped her down. "You were right, it would be fun." She said giggling. Oh her giggle was music to my ears.

"Hey Hawk." Astoria said, I saw the rest of the team and Shawn waving at me. "Hey guys" I said smiling. "Who are you?" Joy asked Rose curiously, "Your really pretty." She said with a smile looking at her dress.

Rose smiled, "You can call me Rose." She said smiling. "Also thank you, but I'm not that pretty."

"That's a lie." I said accidentally blurting it out. I turned red and laughed awkwardly, "So... this is Rose, her brother is going to marry my sister. So I wanted you guys to meet her." I said also reminding myself, so I could snap myself out of this puppy love phase.

"Oh... are you coming to Regal Academy?" Ling Ling asked politely, Rose hesitated before replying, "I have heard about Regal Academy, but I'm on the fence. Don't get me wrong it's an amazing school... but it's ..." "Different." I finished for her and she nodded, "You took the words right out of my mouth."

I smiled, "You took my breath away." Her face flushed, "what?" She said turning more red after processing what I said. "Oh Um, I um meant... your.... Nice?" I finished, turning red.

What's happening to me?


This is one of my old drafts... does anyone want a part 2 or not...

The theme is kinda "forbidden lovers" and I guess "taboo"


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