“Not my bed room! My room!” She pinched his arm. As Mr. Ward laughed.

“You youngsters, now come on Marciano. I think you’ll like this.” He followed Mr. Ward but made sure Camilla was by his side.

“Here we are! Do you like it?” Marciano nodded. All the older version of games were along the walls many games that Marciano hadn’t seen in years. There were modern games but they seemed to be following a pattern.

“Are these yours Camilla?”

“No their Mr. Wards but I only play them. They’re not very popular with people.”

“Since your Camilla’s husband you can join her here.”

“Thank you.” Mr. Ward laughed then left closing the door.

“Honestly do you like it? We could leave in fifteen minutes if you don’t.”

“I like it but I would never thought you’d like all this.”

“I don’t go out much. But when I do I come here to have some fun.” She rubbed her arm nervously then turned toward her hidden money compartment. She went down to her knees and started to dissemble the little place.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m getting something.” She pulled the door off and fell back on her bottom. She got up quickly and pulled out her money bag. She turned toward him and held out the money bag.

“Can you hold this please?” He took it and held out his hand for her. She took his hand as he pulled her up.

“Thank you.” He handed her the bag and she reached in and gave him a hand full of coins.

“If you need more you could just take it from the bag.”

“I don’t need your money I have my own.”

“You don’t have to get angry the money’s going in the same place. Anyway just use it its just recycled money.”

“You’re a bad liar.”

“Come on I asked you to come with me. We could share my secret stash.”

“I’ll pay you back.”

“Alright how about this. If you beat me in one game, you can pick any game, then you can pay me back otherwise you’ll have to just keep your money.” He slightly smiled.

“Any game I choose?”

“Any game.”

“Alright let me see.” He walked around and looked over all the games then his eyes landed on two. He weighted his thoughts then decided.

“Alright, well play this game.” She looked at the game with a bit lip.

“Okay. Ready?” He raised a brow at her but took a seat. She sat down next to him and smiled.

“Let me guess this is one of your favorite?”

“No I haven’t played this one in a long time. I just thought you’d choose an army game or something.”

“No I used to play Galaga all the time as a kid.” He actually started to smile at her when the game started to load. “Get ready Camilla.”

“Oh I’m ready to kick your butt!” The game started and the both got into the game. Both slouching over the controllers to see who would win. Marciano looked over to Camilla when he was on his last life. She still had two left. He slightly hit her shoulder with his.  She gasped but fell from her chair. She looked at him with a slack jaw. He knocked her down when her gaurd was down! Marciano started to laugh but continued on.

It Happened In Vegas (Marciano & Camilla)Where stories live. Discover now