Chapter 10

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“Good morning Marciano.” He nodded his head then served himself some of the food she had laying out for him. They ate in silence but this time he couldn’t handle it.

“I’ll take you to school.” She nodded but didn’t say anything. Marciano was worried about her but he didn’t ask. When he drove her to school he glanced at her a few times but she looked fine.

“Are you leaving soon Marciano?”

“No my brothers are covering for me at home and work. I should be fine for a few weeks.”

“That’s good.” When she got out of the car he called her back.

“I might not be able to pick you up today.”

“That’s okay I’ll walk home. Thank you though.”

“No problem. Hey Camilla if anyone gives you a hard time ignore them.” She looked at him and smiled.

“I will.” He watched her go then took off. He had to find some type of work or he’d go crazy! Threw out the day he went looking for a job. He didn’t care where he worked he just wanted to work.

Some of the jobs looked promising but he couldn’t wait around for them to decide if they’d take him. He’d find something; he looked at his watch, if he left now he’d be able to pick up Camilla. He hurried and made it to her school just as the students were released. He looked in the crowd for her but he didn’t see her until he notice her with a bunch of girls around her. He knew something was wrong but when he saw her tell one of girls something sharply he had to get to her. He knew she was being boxed in and while he was around he wouldn’t let them hurt her.

“What’s going on here?” Camilla didn’t look at him but he knew she was upset with the crowd.

“Are you Camilla’s husband?” He crossed his arms and glared at the girl.

“I am.”

“Yeah right! Like this brown mouse would get a guy like you. I know your type their hot women and she’s just a plain nerd!” Camilla moved away from her but the girl grabbed her arm.

“We didn’t say you could leave.” Marciano was about to settle this when Camilla shook her head at him.

“I can handle this.” He nodded but didn’t move away.

“Let go.”

“You were lucky with that debate guy but this guy wouldn’t even look your way if you didn’t pay him or maybe you black mailed him. I know he isn’t someone in your family. I know your Aunt and Uncle couldn’t have kids and an orphan like you wouldn’t-.” Camilla lost her temper then. She gripped the girls arm and threw her over her shoulder to the ground when the girl hit the floor she was crying in pain. Camilla knelt next to her and the girl shut up.

“Don’t bother me again.” She stood up and looked at the crowd around her. She didn’t even need to say anything they moved away from her and made a path.  Marciano led her back to the car but she didn’t say anything.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry you have to see that.”

“I remember why I thought high school was stupid.” She didn’t say anything.

“All you have to do is ignore them and finish up the year.”

“Their right.” He glanced at her.

“Honestly Marciano you wouldn’t even look my way if we weren’t forced together. I’m just sorry you had to see how stupid they get.” He was silent for a few minutes before he responded.

It Happened In Vegas (Marciano & Camilla)Where stories live. Discover now