Chapter 15

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“Oh come here look at this dress. I bet you’ll love it.” Camilla tried to seem excited but if she relaxed the slightest she felt herself dozing off.

“Come on lets watch a movie.” Catherina sat her down on the sofa. Nardo came and sat down right next to her. He took her hand in his and gently rubbed circles on it. He tried to kiss her hand but Emesto came and shoved Nardo away from her. He sat himself in front of Camilla’s feet and rested his head against her knees. Camilla just shook her head but didn’t complain. Nardo moved closer to Camilla and whispered in her ear. Camilla laughed but didn’t say anything. Catherina got up and put in the movie but Alrigo took her seat on the right of Camilla. Catherina complained and yelled at him to move but Alrigo just sat back without a word. Emesto pulled his sister next him on the floor and told her not make a scene.

Camilla smiled but not long after that she had dozed off and her head fell on Alrigo’s shoulder. Alrigo didn’t say anything but just let her sleep and continued on with the movie. Nardo became jealous and pulled Camilla to lay on his shoulder. Catherina quietly told him to leave her alone but Nardo refused to let her go. Marciano shook his head and walked over to where Camilla laid and scoped her up in his arms. He carried her up to his room and tucked her in. She didn’t even move when he turned off the light and gently closed the door. Marciano shook his head and walked back down the stairs and took Camilla’s spot on the sofa. He tried to watch the movie but his brother stared at him inches from his face.


“How can you not like her Marciano?! If I were in your shoes I’d kiss the ground she walked on.” Marciano leaned forward and took the half-filled beer. He sipped it then turned toward his brother.

“You like her?”

“How could I have misjudged her! She’s a goddess.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“She’s gorgeous and beautiful she’s so…beautiful. And graceful and sweet.”

“You only think she’s so great because she gave you food.”

“Your jealous she didn’t give you any food Emesto.” Nardo shoved his brother on his back. Emesto laughed. Nardo sighed.

“I admit my love for her started with the food but she’s so wonderful and that body of hers! Ugh! How could you not see it Marciano? She so sexy with all her curves.”

“I’m not talking about this especially not with you.” Marciano took his beer and left the room Catherina followed him.

“Nardo seems to be in love with your wife.”

“If anyone give’s him food he’ll love them.”

“He thinks she’s beautiful. Do you?”

“She’s pretty…but she’s too…young.”


“She looks so young! She’s beautiful but she looks better with Nardo. Their closer in age it would make more scene.”

“I see.”

“I’m not surprised they all like her. She easy to like. She has though heart breaking blue eyes. That sweet as sugar smile. That soft touch…” Marciano shook his head.  “Hey even Alrigo likes her. That says a lot about.”

“He didn’t do anything he just sat next to her. Spoke a sentence and barley touched her shoulder.” Marciano grinded his teeth.

“He doesn’t do that with just anyone.” Catherina’s eyes widened in false innocence.

It Happened In Vegas (Marciano & Camilla)Where stories live. Discover now