Chapter 4

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Camilla let out a deep breath as she started to break from her dream. But when she started to wake up a soft escaped her lips. She felt very warm this morning, not an uncomfortable warm but a nice warm. She had to get up though she had a lot of work to do today. First she had clean the house then go grocery shopping....

She tried to get up but she couldn't. That's when she felt notice how sore her body was. She moaned again as she tried to move. She must have over done it at practice or something because she wasn't supposed to hurt like this. Yet that didn't explain the heavy weight of her body.

Suddenly she felt the weight move slightly. Weight didn't move....Camilla's eyes snapped open she glance over and found Marciano looking back at her with the same shook written on his face. They both looked down at their position. Their naked bodies were entwined within the bed sheets. The contrast between Marciano's tan skin against her light skin was unnerving. Camilla's breaths became quick and short the longer she looked at them. They both turned to look at each other once more. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours then they screamed.

Both of them scrambled out of bed too fast causing them to fall in a pile on the floor. Camilla had her body pressed against Marciano's: her chest to his, thigh against thigh, hip against hip. The stared at each other and moved as fast as they could from each other. Camilla's face was red from embarrassment as she pulled the sheet higher on her body. She stood up with shaky legs just to see Marciano's naked body a few feet from where she stood.

"How the hell did you get in my bed?!"

"I-I didn't-."

"If you planned on getting lucky well," His face came right in hers. "You did." Her face paled.

"D-did we...? No. NO! NO! She burst into tears right in front of him. She clenched the sheet in her hands and sobbed everything she had. She begged that this would be a bad dream but it didn't seem like a miracle would happen.

Marciano cursed softly under his breath. What the hell happened last night?! He looked over to Camilla as she cried her eyes out. He would not have taken her to his bed. She was the definition of a virgin. Her dress last night hadn't been sexy it had been a plain cream dress with little designs of flowers. She didn't have this worldly air around her. All he knew was what ever happened last night she was a victim too.

He walked over to her but he didn't know what to do. He shouldn't have been cruel to her when they first awakened. But what was he supposed to think?! She's lovely but he didn't like waking up with a woman in his bed. He couldn't not after....

"Well figure it out." He gently touched her back but she just nodded and moved away from him.

Her crying went down but it didn't stop, he knew she was trying to but was scared. He touched the sheet that she had clenched to her body and she looked up to him with fear.

"I'm not going to touch you I just want to see if we had sex or not." It wasn't likely they didn't though. The evidence was on their bodies. His scent was all over her and hers on his. He knew what if felt like after sex he want a monk but he had been without a woman for a while. He just needed to prove to her and to him that it really happened.

"I won't look at you." She looked at him and slowly let the sheet go. He put a pillow up to her body as the sheet started to fall. She wrapped her arms around the pillow as the sheet fell. He looked at the sheet and found the evidence he needed. The mark of a virgins innocence stained in the bed sheet. He cursed then looked over to her. Her eyes were wide, she was shaking so bad he felt horrible for saying this.

"I'm sorry but..." He slowly ran a hand threw his hair.

"Y-your h-hand..." He froze and looked at the hand she was pointing at. He felt his throat close up at the sight.

It Happened In Vegas (Marciano & Camilla)Where stories live. Discover now