Chapter 20

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Camilla didn’t want to get up she was comfortable and warm. But she knew it was time to get up. She stretched her arms and slowly sat up.

“A few more minutes.” An arm pulled her back down but Camilla knew it was Marciano. She slightly laughed.

“I wouldn’t have thought you were a last sleeper.”

“I usually sleep in on Sunday’s.” Camilla laid there for a second for his words to sink in.

“Oh my goodness it’s Sunday!” Camilla scrambled out of the bed and hurried over to the small clock.

“It’s already twelve! Were never going to make it back to-!”

“You know when your Uncle called?”

“What? Yes.”

“He said you didn’t have to come home till Monday afternoon.” Marciano sat up and scratched his head.

“Oh, well why you didn’t tell me that earlier?”

“I had other things on my mind.”

“Well were at your family’s so behave.”

“They won’t care.”

“But I do.”

“One kiss won’t hurt.”

“No…I don’t think it would.” Marciano’s tongue intertwined with hers. Stroking dominating her in a kiss so hot she thought she’s go up in flames in.

“You know…if you were to ever kiss me like this in front of my Uncle he would kill you.”

“Nardo would try to kill me if he saw this.”

“I don’t think so. You and Constantinus are the most aggressive out of you and your brothers. Nardo’s the sweetest.”

“You don’t know my brothers enough to judge that. We all have tempers but some control it better than others. Alrigo’s nice enough but once he loses his temper he doesn’t get it back till after he’s satisfied.”

“Oh I know that. At the lingerie store some guys were being stupid and Alrigo went after them like a mad man.”

“That’s my brother. But Mauro is just as bad. He likes to get in a lot of street fights.”

“He could get hurt.”

“We’ve tried talking to him but he doesn’t listen maybe you could get through to him.”

“I’ll try because one day he could get seriously hurt and everyone would worry-.”

“Camilla right now I don’t want to worry about anyone but you and me.” He leaned in to kiss her again when pounding on the door stopped them.


“Leave them alone! Their still asleep!”

“No! I know my firoe is awake I feel it in my soul.”

“Don’t be so creepy! Ewe I don’t even know how girls at our school think you’re so amazing. If they knew how you acted with Camilla they would run away from you.”

“I don’t care about them the only woman in my life is my Fiore.”

“Idiota, she doesn’t want you she wants Marciano!” [Idiot.]



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