My hand clasps in front of my mouth to keep my mouth shut. I feel like screaming but I know I can't, whatever it is about that night, the answers are all right here in front of me. What the hell did he just say about Grams? It doesn't make any sense. I need to keep calm and quiet if I want to perhaps find out the full story.

"You ungrateful bastard, we did everything for you. Watch out how you are talking?" I can't believe he just called his own son that.

"Or what? You going to make my life a hell? You did that to me, mum, Sam and even Emi already. You did nothing for me, only for yourself."

Emi? What the fuck is going on?

"Mum you say something too, he ruined your life just as much as ours. I am done with both of you. Pay me out my share of the company in our name, I am done. All I need in my life is the thing you took away from me, but luckily, she found her way back to me. All that matters to me now is Sam, you can go and fuck yourselves. I am fed up of all your lies."

"Jake, please don't", his mum pleads.

"No mum, I am so sick of all of you. You are a bunch of pathetic liars, who have destroyed so many lives. It's your mistakes and not mine. I've paid enough for them and so have Sam and Emi. Honestly, I don't even get how Sam's Grams could do that to her. You pushed me to lie. But why should her Grams accept the money from Michael's parents after her own granddaughter was raped? I really don't get it. Did they have something in their hand against her too?"

Jake's angry voice is booming through the whole apartment.

"She could see what you aren't able to see. She had a kid she had to take care of but had no money to do so, she needed that money to take care of Sam after her mum died."

"Oh so it's your fault too that even her fucking Grams betrayed her? How many other lives have you two wrecked?"

"Jake please calm down. You know your dad would have gone to prison, if anything had slipped. Michael's parents made sure he wouldn't. I can't live with your dad going to prison because of one mistake."

"Oh but you can live with destroying all our other lives? You can live with a girl being raped, without any justice? Dad deserves to go to prison for what he did. If he hadn't stuck his fucking dick down Emi's mum's mouth while driving, he wouldn't have fucking killed Sam's mother, and none of this would have ever happened." Jake screams from the top of his lungs.

OH MY GOD!!! Everything I had in my arms drops to the ground. The noise lets the three of them turn in my direction. All colour drains from Jake's face and he turns totally pale and looks horrified.

Right now I feel like puking. I don't even know how to breathe anymore. 

"Oh my god Sam", he calls out while coming my direction.

"Don't Jake, don't.", my voice comes out calm but determined from shock. I grab my bag and run as fast as I can to my car while tears are now streaming down my face.

Jake comes running after me, but I lock the door before he can reach me.

"Sam don't go. I need you, I love you", he screams while my trembling hands try to get the car started.

He starts pulling at the door without having any luck. Finally I get the car started and escape as fast as I can. Jake is trying to run after me and screaming something I can't even take in any more.

Six weeks ago, my life finally was supposed to take the right turn. I came to Oxford, my dream college. I'd spend time with my bestie. All I wanted was boys, booze party a simple college life for a change. Yeah life sucks and it sucks even more if you have made plans. Making plans obviously is something for idiots. Well for sure it doesn't work for me anyway.

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