Chapter 3

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"Ummm...hi..."-Taller boy said quietly while removing his hand from the yogurt. He looked at the boy that wanted the same drink, and his heart started beating faster.

It was that pretty boy from school.
Win started panicking and quickly cleaned his throat.

" can have the yogurt"-light skinned boy said with the warm smile
" can have it! I can drink something else!"-Win said while grabbing milk that was next to the yogurt, even tho he hates milk.

Pretty boy was kind of confused and he watched the taller one leave the store with milk box in his hands.

Team payed for his yogurt and left the store.
He looked around and saw that tall boy sitting in front of a building. He didn't even opened his milk box.

Team approached him with a smile.

"Excuse"-Smiley boy gave yogurt to the taller one and smiled
"Goodnight"-he said while heading home
"Wait!"-Win shouted and ran to the boy
"D-do you this milk?"-Win asked him and showed him the milk that he bought earlier
Team nooded
"Yes..but why?"
" can have it"-Win smiled shyly and handed the milk to the boy

"I'm Win by the way..."
"I'm Team..nice to meet you"-the shorter one was so polite and sweet that the taller one couldn't help but smile
" you around..."-Win said and walked fast his way home...he was basicly running

Team smiled

"Cute..."-he said under his breath while drinking the milk


"They are fighting again!"
"Second time this week!"
"I'm not even surprised..."
"School yard!"

You could hear people talking in the school hallway.

Team and his friends were and the hallway. Layla and Drake explained what's happenning to Team since he was very confused

"There is a tall boy, a year older than us, and I think he has a tatto but I'm not so sure...he gets in trouble easely...he could beat anyones ass in this school.."-Layla said
"Why wasn't he expelled??"-Team asked his friends
"Apparently, his mom owns this you know..."-Drake said and  rolled his eyes

Team slightly nooded as they headed otside to see what was happenning.

"I didn't do anything you peace of trash!!"
"Yes you did! You were with her yesterday!"
"No I wasn't!!!"
"Than whats this?!"

Two boys were ready to throw hands in school yard.
Win and Mean...again...

Mean showed a picture of his 'girlfriend' with some other dude that looks like Win.

"Thats bullshit!! Thats not me!"-Win said
"Oh don't...this photo was taken at 10:46pm and we all know that at that time you go clubbing around!"-Mean was pretty mad
"I used to!! I don't go clubbing anymore!"
"I don't wanna hear it"-Mean said and punched the other one

Team was surprised when he saw Win. He remembered him from last night. As he remembered how nice Win was, he started getting worried about the older boy.

A group of people made a circle around the two boys that were having a fight.

Drake, Layla and Team were standing in that group of people. Team knew that Win wasn't clubbing yesterday because around that time, they were together.

"It's true!"-Team shouted and entered the circle
"What are you doing you dumb ass?"-Layla asked him with low voice but Team just ignored it.

The two boys stopped fighting for a second. When Win saw the smiley boy he was happy for a second, then he became worried.

"I was with him last night, around that time. Let him go. He did nothing."-Team spilled out everything. Everyone was in shoock.

Mean pushed Win and approached Team

"Do you want me to beat you up??"-Mean asked and smiled sarcasticly
"Just leave Win alone!"

Team then punched Mean and at that moment the teacher came...of course..

The three of them got detenton after classes. Win and Team were in one classroom, while Mean was in the other one. Mean had a detention for 45minutes while the other two boys had to stay locked up for 1h and 30minutes. Why?? Because Mean was the one that got 'hurt' the most.

In the classroom where two boys were staying it was was also awkward..

Win was playing with his bracelet while Team was shaking his leags...he was scared a little bit.
"Hey..."-Win decided to speak first. Younger one looked at him and blinked a few times
"Why are you shaking your legs?? Are you okay?"-Win asked Team while looking at his legs
"This is the first time I have got in parents are going to kill me...They are going to ground me and lock me inside my room and won't let me out!"-Light skinned boy replyed
"Your parents ground you like that??"

"I was never grounded...isn't that how it is supposed to be?"-Team asked and looked the older one in the eyes
Win was amazed by those beautitful eyes...

"Ummmm...i don't dad doesn't really care so I don't know.."-Win replyes and smiled a little
"But I'm sure that everything will be fine"

Despite of what Win said, Team was still scared and started playing with his fingers and messing up his hair

"Should I do it...or gonna do it"
Win thought and looked at his own hand.
Then he placed his hand on Team head and pat it...his fingres went throught his hair.

Team could feel his heart beat faster. He suddenly felt nervous, but at the same helped him relax a little bit...

"Why did you punch Mean anyway?"-Win asked him without moving his hand
"He said that you were with some girl last night...and that wasn't true...he wanted to beat your ass because of something that didn't even happen.."-Team replyed and looked at his own hands.
"You were with me..."-he said that shyly and looked away
"He wouldn't beat my ass tho...I would be the one to chrash him completely...but I don't want to be arrested for murder, you know?"-Win was joking while saying that.

The older one was still playing with the younger ones hair.
Team just clossed his eyes and leaned his head on desk. Win smiled and continued to play with Teams hair.

Light skinned boy fell asleep pretty fast. Win was looking at him the whole time and admired his sleepy was just too cute to handle.

"I know that we aren't that close..but...I'm going to go after you...I'm going to get closer to you...and make you mine..."-Win whispered and leaned his head next to the younger ones...he then fell asleep next to Team...

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