Chapter 1

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Every day, every minute of our life, we give our best to live it. We make people laugh through out the day, we can also make people cry...but at the end there's always tomorrow. Tomorrow can be better or even worst than today. But we try to deal with problems and think positive.

Most people are like that, but some instead of dealing with problems, make even bigger ones that need too much time to be solved.

For example, a boy in engeneer high school in Bangkok is, instead of solving problems, making even bigger ones. He gets in trouble very easily, very laid-back and doesn't really care that much.

Today, he got into trouble again...


"Would you look at that?? Win himself standing in front of me. What an honor"-Tall boy with hands in his pockets said with a smirk

"What do you want?"-Other boy replyed and rolled his eyes

"I saw that you talked with May today, so I just wanted to ask you...If you are OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!!??"-Tall boy replyed and pushed the other one

Win stood still and smirked
"Yes, I did talk to your girl...but..."-He started teasing the taller one
"...She is the one that asked for my number..."-He said with low voice
After a few seconds, sound of punch was heard and everyone in the school hallway stopped whatever they were doing and watched the two boys fight

Shortly after, boys were stopped by one of the teachers. They ended up with bloody noses and both had detention.

"It was fun"-That was the only thing that Win said to principal when he asked about the fight

Win was on the way to his last class when his two friends popped up

"You are never going to stop getting into trouble, aren't you?"- Asked Ohm and put his arm around his friends shoulder

"This is the 5th time this month, Win...isn't it too much?"-The other friend, Frank, asked his friend while fixing his glasses

"To be honest, I'm kinda tired staying after classes for detention...but it's not my fault that Mean got on my nerves today..."

They all entered the classroom on time.

After the last class, Win said goodbye to his friends and went to detention class.
Principal decided to seperate him and Mean into different classrooms

"You will be here for 75minutes, after that you will be free to go home"-Wins head teacher told him and locked him in the classroom.
Win didn't have much to do, because they took away his phone. He pulled out his mp3 player and put earphones in and listened to music.

He felt sleepy so he closed his eyes in order to relax a little bit.

After some time he oppened his eyes and they landed on a person, that was in the school yard. Win could see that person through the window. It was a boy.

Light skinned boy, with bright hair and big smile. He was talking to some other students.

Win was looking at the boy for some time and admired his cuteness from far away. He just couldn't keep his eyes off that smiley boy.
He was staring at the light skinned boy and completly forgot that his detention ended a while ago.

"Mr. Win, your detention ended 10minutes ago, you can go now"-Teacher entered the classroom and said that to Win

The boy looked at his teacher and just took his things, along with his phone, and walked out.

As soon as he stepped out of school, his eyes were looking for that light skinned boy, but he was nowhere to be found.

Win just sighed in dissapointment and walked back home

His dad was waiting for him, and as soon as he got home, his dad yelled at him.

"Do you think that it's fun to be called every week for your sons behaveour??!!"
"I am so fed up with this bullshit! You better start behaving like a mature person, because this is just too much!!!"-His dad was red out of anger
Win just nooded and apologized. He then went to his room and took a shower.

Later, he laid in bed and the first thing that popped in his head was that smiley boy... he kept thinking about his beautiful hair, pretty smile and cute dimples...he just couldn't get him out of his head...

"What is wrong with me?"-he asked that himself and fell asleep while thinking about that boy...

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