Chapter 2

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"Long time no see!"-The girl named Leyla said with exitement and hugged her old friend
"Yeah, it's been like 3 years or something..." the boy hugged her back and smiled
"I can't believe you transfered to this school after all.."-she said and looked at him with a smile on her face
"Well, I had to...I had to move out so.."

"I want you to meet someone"-she pointed at the guy with dark hair and messy uniform
"Ay Drake! Come here!"-Layla called her friend and he came closer to them

"Drake, this is Team, my old school friend. Team, this is Drake, he is a dumb ass"-she said dead serious
"I- no need to be rude!"-Drake rolled his eyes and greeted the light skinned guy

"Nice to meet you, I hope we can be good friends"-Team said with a big smile on his face

Three of them talked for a while and then decided to go to the cafe to get to know each other a little bit better.

"You are pretty cute, I think I'm falling for you"-Drake said sarcasticly and smiled
"Shut your ugly ass"-Layla said that to her friend and pushed him slightly

"Are you always like this? Two of you?"-Team asked his friends and they nooded
"From the first day we met, we can't stand eachother, but we do everything together..."-Layla said and Drake confirmed

"I'm confused...but oh well"-Team said and laughed it off with his new friend and his old friend.

After maybe an hour they all seperated and went home.

As soon as Team entered the house his dog welcomed him while running around out of happiness.

"Hi~~~I missed you too"-he pet his dog for a few seconds and then went to his room

Team changed clotes and had some "Lays". He was very excited about going to new school and meeting new people.


For the first time, in a while, Win woke up on time for school...even a little bit earlier...

He rubbed his eyes and rememberred something. That thing made him get out of bed right away and get ready for school as soon as possible.

He greeted his father in the living room while taking a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

"You woke up a bit earlier, didn't you?"
He ignored his dads question and justs  shruged his shoulders.

On his way to school he was listening to music, again.

As soon as he arrieved at school, his eyes started looking for that thing that made him get up so early

"Where is he...."-he said to himself with low tone
His eyes widen as soon as they see the cute, light skinned boy, reading a book in front of his classroom.

He wantet to aproach him, but was scared. This was the first time that Win was scared to aproach someone...he felt really weird.

"Ayo~~aren't you going to class??"-suddenly, Ohm appiares and asks Win
Win just nooded and looked at his other side, where he saw his smart friend Frank
"Aren't you tired of wearing glasses?"-Win asked Frank and pinned his classes to his nose
"'s not like I have a choice."-Frank replyed sarcasticly

They all laught it off and started to walk to their class

When they were passing by the light skinned boy, Win couldn't keep his eyes of the pretty boy.

Boy felt someones eyes on him so he lifted his head.

Their eyes met, for the first time.

Win felt like a whole zoo went wild in his stomach, while the boy felt shy and stunned by the other ones beauty.

Their moment didn't last long, but it sure did left some effect on their feelings...

"You okay bro?"-Ohm asked his friend while snapping with his fingers
That made Win come back to reality. He just nooded and walked to their classroom.

Meanwhile, Team contunued to read his book in all of his classes.

"Whats the book about??"-Drake asked his friend while trying to read the title of the book.

"'s about two people trying to find future's really good..."-Team replyed and smiled

Layla tapped Drakes shoulder as she sat beside him.

"I tried reading that book...but I fell asleep when I read the title."-Layla jumped into the conversation and the two boys started laughing.

"It's not like you read more than two books in your life..."-Drake was teasing her. She just flicked him on his forehead.

Then the bell rang so everyone went back to their seats.

Team was a new classmate, but he didn't really talk to anyone beside the two friends that he has. He got pretty close to Drake in a very short time.

After the school, Team went straight home because he had a lot things to unpack and clean.

He was cleaning his room and decorating his room for about 3 hours. When he was finally done he threw himself on the bed and sighed.

Then he got a call from his mom

"Hi mom"-he said after he picked up the phone call
"Could you please go buy some stuff for the house? I have no time..."-his mom asked him
"Sure!"-he agreeded

She then sent him a list of things that he had to buy.
Before he left the house he took a shower and changed clothes.
He wore big shorts and large shirt.

The list wasn't too long, but it wasn't short as well. The boy decided to carry a backpack with him.
He took his phone along with money and left the house.

He went to the nearest shop to buy some food that they needed.

Light skinned boy found everything he was looking for and went to pay. After that he went to buy some medicines. It took him 2 hours for everything. The boy was very tired.

It was around 11pm when he finished with shopping. He was kind of hungry so he stopped by a small store to find his favourite yogurt and drink it on his way home.
In the fridge that was in the store there was only one yogurt left that he wanted to buy. Team was proud of himself because he was going to buy the last yogurt.

As he was reaching the flavoured drink, another hand slipped in and was about to take that last yogurt.
The moment the two hands touched, the boy wanted to look up and see the person who wants the same thing as him, but he was too shy.


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