Chapter 14 -end-

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-this chapter contains mentions of sui*ide-
-I do not support su*cide in any way-
-If you are sensitive on this topic read untill the marked part (∆)-

"I came here to talk"
"I have nothing to talk to you about"
"Team!I'm your mother!"
"And I'm your child!!!" Whin screamed at his mother after she tried talking to him.
"I'm your should love me no matter what...I don't want to talk to you."
He then just walked into the house leaving his mom and Win outside alone. Win was about to go in as well but Teams mom stopped him.

" least...listen to me.."Win turned around and just listened to Teams mom.

"I have been watching you guys for a while...I have passed this house a couple of times for the past few weeks...Team seems also seem happy...I admit that I was wrong and I'm not asking for forgiveness...but he's my son and I will do anything to have him back.."she said and put her hands together.

"I love Team very much, and I know everything that happened between you's not up to me to decide wether you should see him or's up to him"

Win turned around and as he was about to walk into the house he turned around again.

"You hurt him...I don't think he will ever be able to look at you the same talk to you the same way...if he decides to talk to you of course...don't worry..I'll tell him everything that you just told me..I hope things work out at the end"He then smiled a little bit before entering the house

Teams mom broke down in tears as she was walking back to her house. She knew that she made a mistake and just waned her son back. On the other hand, Team didn't want to talk to her at all.

"Hey..."Win came up to his boyfriend whi was sitting in the living room in front of the TV.
Team looked at Win for a second and then returned his glaze to the TV.
Win then told him everything that Teams mom said after he left and that made Team tear up a little bit.

"Maybe you should talk to her-"
"Of course I should talk to her...she's my mother...but if she really loved me she wouldn't have reacted that way in the first place!"The younger one stood up and went to the bathroom. Win followed him. They were both now standing in front of the mirror as Team was washing his face and Win was just standing behind him worried.

"Talk to her..please.."
"I will...I will."Team said and turned around. Win then just hugged him and pat his head.
"Everything will be let's go to bed it's already kinda late..."They seperated and Win left a small kiss on Teams lips before they went to their bedroom.

Everything was pretty much the same for the next few days, Team got messages from his mom that waned to meet up and talk but Team just ignored them for a while before deciding to text her.
He texted her where and when to meet up.

They agreed to meet at a local caffe in the afternoon.

When the boy got there in time, he saw his mother already sitting at the table with a coffe in front of her. He came up to her and sat across her. She also ordered a drink for him too.

"Listen, I'm here just because I want to hear what you have to say...If you are here to cuss me off then I'll leave"he straight up said that and looked her in the eyes.

"Team..I love are my only child and I shouldn:t have reacted the way I did...I reacted like that because I wasn't thinking. Every time I think about people who like the same gender I think about two girls who were in love back when I went to school...when the whole school found out that they were together they started making fun of them..."Teams mom started tearing up as she was telling this story. Team felt intriged so he listened carefully.

"...They were so affected by day...they both commited suicide by jumbing off a school roof...everyone saw it, I saw it...I saw them laying on the ground sorounded by blood, their faces were facing down, their bodies werent moving...but their hands were still holding onto eachother..."


"Team...I was scared...I'm still scared...I'm scared of losing you..."she couldn't talk anymore because she could barely catch her breath from crying
Team now understood everything and started crying too

Eventually they huggen and sorthed things out.

"I wish you and Win a happy relationship! Please come by can come back home whenever you both can come to dinner sometimes..."his mom said with a smile as they were walking home together

"'ll call you.."They hugged one last time before they both went seperate ways.

As soon as Team walked into the house, Win jumped on him.

"How did it go? What did she say? What did you say? Why are your eyes so red? Are you okay? Did you not work things out?"
"It's all good now...we are good..."they both smiled and Win hugged him.

From this point everything went well. Their grades got better, their relationship grew, they were all happy.
Through out their relationshio they started creating a story that doesn't have an end. The story about two boys who fell in love unexpectedly, but their love is stronger than anything else in the whole world.

One boy was madly in love but could have ended it all, the other boy fell harder and promised to stay.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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