Chapter 7

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Win and his classmates got out of water and went to changing room.

"Win! No food in the changing room"-Their club president said

"I didn't bring any food in here"-Win said confused

"Then whats that?"-He pointed at the plastic bag. Win took a closer look and saw whats inside. He then smiled.

"Sorry...It won't happen again!"-He apologized and took that plastic bag and put it inside his backpack. He left as soon as he got dressed.

When he was finally alone he took out the drink that one person bought for him. He knew who it was because the drink he was holding was that same yoghurt that he wanted to buy that one night.

"Why is he so cute..."-He said it to himself as he was heading home


He placed the empty bottle of yogurt on his shelf and looked at it. He smilled and jumped on his bed and took his phone. He then texted his crush.


Win:Thak you<3


Win:What are you doing right now?

Team: Nothing much, why?

Win: I was wondering if you would
want to meet up

Team:I have to walk my dog now...

Win:Nice, let's meet in the park near your house!



Team was nervous about meeting the older boy, he wasn't sure about his feelings yet.

On the other hand, Win was excited. He was looking in the mirror with a big smile on his face. His heart was pounding faster when he thought about light skined boy. He left the house a soon as possible and ran towards the park.

When he arrived he didn't see Team anywhere. He waited for about 5 more minutes, then he saw a silluete of a boy that was walking his dog. Win smiled and walked toward his crush.

"Hey..."-Team greeted Win and smiled a little. Win returned a bigger smile and went in for a hug. Team was surprised but he hugged Win back.

"Let's go!"-Win pulled back and they both started walking around the park in silence.

Team could feel his heart beating so fast when he was around Win. He tried not to think about it.

They were walking around for 20 minutes. It was late so not a lot of people were at the park. Win wanted to hold Teams hand soooo bad but he didn't want to make the boy uncomfortable.

After some time they decided to sit on the grass because...why not?

Team put his dog in his lap and pet it. Win was looking at Team who was smiling while playing with his dog.

"Team...?"-Win called the boy and that made him look up. Their eyes met, but they stayed still. They didn't move ther gaze of eachother.

"...For how long will you let me like you alone?"

That cought Team by surprise. He suddenly got more nervous and looked away.

Win let out a sigh and smiled.

"I get it, you don't need to say anything!"-Win stood up and looked at the younger boy
"We better get going, it's late"-Win was about to leave first but Team stood up and stopped him

"Give me time! I-I'll answer you...I promise...just give me some more time..."-Team took his dog and walked to Win who was standing still with a smile on his face.

Win pat his crushes hair for a few seconds and smiled. Team blushed as they walked back home.


"Mom...can I talk to you?"-Team asked his mom and they both sat at the dining table.
"Is there something wrong?"-His mom asked him with a sweet voice.
Team hesitated at first but then continued talking.
"You of my friends, he is a boy of it okay for him to be with another boy...I mean, is it okay for him to like another boy?"
His mom looked at him weirdly
"I don't think that relationships with same gender are normal...why doesn't he like a girl? That's normal...but liking the same gender is really not...why are you asking me this anyways?"

Team was surprised by his moms answer but he stayed calm.

"It just crossed my mind...I have to go now..."-He grabbed his stuff and left the house

He felt the need to cry. His eyes felt heavy and warm, full of tears.
He looked around him and crossed the street. He stood behind a building where no one could see him

Tears fell down his cheeks. The boy was confused about his feelings, and felt horrible after what his mom told him.
As he was whiping off his tears he thought to himself "I can't like's wrong..."

Team cooled down and acted like nothing happened.

At school, he was hanging out with Layla and Drake in between the classes and they went to the cafe after the school.

The whole day, Team was thinking about what his mom said. His friends noticed that he was a little strange the whole day.

"Are you okay, Team?"Layla asked him as she was taking a sip from her drink
" look depressed..."Drake added.

Team looked down and shruged his shoulders.

"I know that we don't know each other for a long can always tell me anything...tell us..."Drake looked at his friend and gave him a comforting smile

"It's mom and dad had a fight that's it.."-Team tried to put a smile on his face for his friends
"I'm so sorry...I hope that things would be better for you and your parents.."-Layla comforted her friend. Team felt bad for lying to his friends, but he was scared to tell them the truth

They left the cafe after a couple of more minutes and seperated away.

Team had a lot of things on his mind.
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice. He turned around and saw tall boy, with light hair tied up in a ponytail running towards him. Teams heart started beating faster but he knew that he shouldn't talk to Win.

Team started running away. Win was confused but he chased light skinned boy down the streets. Team was pretty fast, so as soon as he saw a building where he could hide he turned that way.

He was now behind a building, in a small street where no one could see him. He was trying to catch his breath but he got scared as soon as a hand was placed next to his head wich was leaned on the wall.
A boy with light hair was catching his breath as he kept his hand on the wall.
Team was trapped between the wall and Win. He felt scared.

"Why...?"Win looked up and met Teams eyes. They were both brearhing heavily.
Team didn't say a word and kept his head down.

"Did I do something? Is there something wrong?"The older one continued with a worrying voice.
"I-...we shouldn't meet anymore..."Team looked at Win with teary eyes.
"What? Why?"Win was confused

"I...I don't like you..."

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