Chapter 6

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"Pass me the salt"-Drake asked his beloved friend
"You have your own hands..."-Layla ignored him and continued to eat her food
"Awww thankss you are so nice...."-He said sarcasticly
"Why did you even invite me to have lunch with you if you can't even be nice to me..."-Drake ate all his food without even looking at Layla.

"Umm by the you think that there is something going on between Win and Team?"-Drake asked Layla while cleaning up
"I don't think so...but Win seems to have interest in him..I don't know.."

The two friends continued talking about their other friend and decided to call him to go together to school.
But the boy didn't pick up so Drake and Layla went to school like usuall.


The reason why Team didn't pick up his phone is because it was almost dead and was on a charger. He was getting ready for school and didn't hear his phone.

As soon as he saw that Layla called him he called her back. She said that they are on their way to school and that Team doesn't need to hurry. Not long after that call, Team got a message.

"I'm in front of your house. Let's go together"

It was Win. Team panicked and threw his phone on the bed. He didn't know why he did that...His parents looked at him weirdly.

"Are you okay honey?"-His mom asked him as she was aproaching him. Team just smiled and took his bag along with his phone.

"Team, your friend is outside, don't keep him waiting"-His dad said and looked through the window.

He then took a deep breath and left the house with all of his stuff. In front of him was standing tall boy with his hair tied up in a small ponytail. Their eyes met, but Win looked away. The older boy could feel his heart pounding so fast, he never felt that before.

They were walking in silence for a while, then Win took out a bar of chocolate out of his pocket.

"Here..."-Team took the candy and put it in his bag. Win noticed that Team smiled a little. That made his heart pound even faster. Tall boy became red and tried to hide the fact that he liked the younger boy a lot.

After 30 seconds of silence Team said "Thanks..." in a low voice and looked down. He didn't want it to be awkwrd between the two of them so he started a random conversation.

"Did you sleed well?". "Yep!You?"-Win asked  while looking at the younger one. Team just nodded and looked at his feet.

They were almost at school and there were a lot of students approching the school.

"I have swimming after classes..."-Win said while standing in front of the school with Team. 

"O-okay...then...I'll see you around..."-Team was about to leave but Win gabbed his hand.


He then pulled him into a hug.

"Actually...I didn't sleep well last night...let me rest a little bit..."-Win whispered and rested his head on Teams shoulder.

Team didn't know what to do...or he just let the boy hug him.

Some students were looking at the two boys weirdly while some students didn't care.

After a whole 2 minutes Win pulled back and smiled.

"Let's go"-He grabbed Teams hand and hurried towards school. They stoppd in front of Teams classroom.

"I'll see you around!"-Win strocked Teams hair  and smiled. Then left to his classroom.

Teams heart skipped a beat as he was looking at the older boy leaving his sight. 

"AYYY TEAM?!"-He turned around and went up to his seat. His friends were waiting for him.

" there anything between you and that dickhead"-Drake asked his friend. Team looked at Drake and said no.

Layla didn't believe her friend because she saw that they were hugging but she decided not to say anything. 

As the bell rang, another school day started. Team and his friends went on lunch together. Light skinned boy didn't even realise that his eyes were looking for someone at the cafeteria. Layla snapped her fingers

"Team!!Are you okay?"-Layla asked him and he looked at her and smiled.

"Yep!Let's eat"

The three of them started eating without talking much. As they were eating, a boy approched their table. He looked younger than them. He was also holding boba tea and a note.

"P'Drake*...someone told me to give you this"-The boy handed the tea to Drake who was very confused

(*P'Drake- P is added to a name when a younger person is talking to their sunbae/older person in Thailand.)

Layla and Team were looking at their friend with huge smiles on their faces. They were ready to tease him. Drake was confused and looked around at the cafeteria.

He took a look at the white note.

"I think you are very handsome...may I flirt with you?"


Drake smilled and took a sip from bubble tea.

"Can my life be any better!!!SOME GIRL OUT THERE HAS A CRUSH ON ME!She probably noticed that I started to work out"-Drake was showing off his arms.

Layla and Team were laughing at their friend.


Team was heading home after classes...but then he rememers that Win had swimming after classes. Light skinned boy was thinking a lot but then decided to buy something for Win.

He ran towards the poll and looked around. Win wasin't in  the water so he didn't see him. Team then went to their changing room and looked for Wins locker. He found it! It was the one that had his name on it. He placed a plastic bag with something on the locker and left the room.

Luckily no one saw him.

Team wasn't sure why he did that...he was thinking about Win on his way home...even AT home...

Maybe he does have some feelings for Win...

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