Chapter thirty-seven

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Kayla's Pov

*Three months later*

So after that night Matt and I spent alone I got pregnant. I'm excited but at the same time I'm scared because of what happened before I had Owen. Yes I was in an accident but I want to actually be able to see my baby right away.

I'm starting to show and Owen is really confused. I keep telling him I'm having a baby duck and he loves the idea.

"Mommy is your baby duck a girl?" He asks sitting right beside me.

"I don't know. Do you want it to be a girl?" I asked him putting him on my lap. He gets a big smile and nods his head in excitement.

I really hope I have a girl to. I've always wanted a boy and a girl. But I don't really care as long as it's healthy.

"Mommy can we go see Drew today? I miss her?" Owen says with puppy dog eyes.

"You saw her yesterday you silly goose!" I say giggling a little.

"But mommy that was yesterday and I miss her. Pleaseeee!" He says with even bigger puppy dog eyes.

"Okay we will call aunty Katie and you can ask her okay?" I ask getting up and grabbing my phone.

I call her and put it on speaker then hand it to Owen and we wait for her to answer.

"Hello." She says sounding a little tired.

"Aunty Katie can I see Drew today?" Owen asks holding the phone upside down.

"Well I guess if your mommy wants to drive over here. Drew just went to sleep so she won't be up for a little bit." She says. He gets really happy and looks and me. I smile and him and nod my head.

"Mommy said yes!" He screams into the phone and throws it at me then goes and gets dressed.

"Well he's gone!" I says giggling to Kaitlyn.

"Well I will see you in a little bit then!" She says laughing a little. Then we hang up.

*Later that day*

After we got to Kaitlyn and Nashs place Owen and Drew played for a little bit while Kaitlyn and I just talked.

Matt and Nash both had a meeting so they weren't going to be home until supper time.

At 3:30pm we got the kids dressed and went to the grocery store to get something for supper. We decided on homemade pizza.

When we got home we started supper and just as we were finishing the boys came home.

"How's my baby girl!" Nash says picking Drew up and tickling her. She started to giggle and it was so cute.

"Daddy!" Owen yells and goes and jumps into Matts arms.

They walk into the kitchen and we hand them plates and we all dish up.

*The next day*

I wake up feeling like throwing up and sweating really badly. I look at my phone and it is 1:30am. I get up and run to the bathroom and threw up everywhere.

I crawl back into bed and try to go back to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep so I got and went down stairs. I took some Advil then I laid on the couch. After laying there for an hour I feel asleep.

A couple hours later I heard Owen running down the stairs. He came and jumped on the couch. I was feeling a little bit better but not a whole lot.

"Mommy. What are you doin?" He asked me.

"Mommys not feeling good so I came downstairs and I feel asleep." I said. He just nodded and then turned the tv on.

For the whole day I just laid on the couch and did nothing. Matt looked after Owen and they went to the park for a little bit. By the time they came home I was feeling better so I made supper.

Never Apart - Matthew Espinosa fanfic (Sequel to 'The New Girl')Where stories live. Discover now