Chapter thirty-three

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Kayla's Pov

*One month later*

"Are you guys ready to go? The plane leaves in an hour." I yell.

"Yes just packing up the last little bit." Ava yells back down at me.

Billie was already upstairs so I didn't have to ask him. It is 10:00 and the plane leaves at 11:00 or just after so I want to make sure they are ready and there on time.

After I dropped them off and said goodbye Matt and I went home. We were having a lazy watch movies all day kind of day. I went and changed into sweats and a baggy sweater and made some popcorn.

We watched movies and just cuddled on the couch. I love this feeling, cuddling on the couch with my husband and my baby.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch durning the middle of the movie. I woke up around 3. Matt was in the kitchen with Owen and they were making some more popcorn.

They came and sat back down with me and we watched some more tv. We had a nice relaxing day. We didn't go anywhere all day it was really nice.

At 8 I got Owen ready for bed then I went and had a bath. I started not feeling good so I thought a bubble bath would help.

After my bath I still wasn't feeling good so I went and climbed into bed with Matt.

"Are you okay hun?" He asked rubbing my back.

"I just have a really bad headache and my stomach hurts." I say and I roll over trying to fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up at 11 still feeling like crap. I walk downstairs and see Matt sitting on the couch and Owen playing on the ground. They both look at me.

"Mum." Owen says crawling over to me. I bend down and pick him up. He is 9 months old he can kinda talk but not really and he can walk he just doesn't some times.

"Hey hun how are you feeling this morning?" Matt asked me as I sat down beside him.

"Not good at all. I think I'm just gonna sleep all day." I say and lay on the couch.

He rubs my back as I fall asleep. I woke up puking, Matt and Owen weren't on the couch anymore. I got up and tried to walk upstairs. My legs were really weak but I made it upstairs.

I walked into Owens room and there they were. Matt had just put Owen to sleep and he turns around to see me.

"What are you doing up here? You should be resting." He says very concerned.

"I woke up and I didn't know where you guys were so I wanted to know where you were." I say almost falling over.

He comes over and picks me up bridal style. He takes me back downstairs and lays me on the couch.

"You stay here. Your sick and weak you are laying down for the rest of the day." He says putting a blanket on me. I rolled my eyes.

I hate being told what to do but I didn't have the energy to argue with him. I fell asleep again. I woke up about an hour later with Owen poking my face.

"Mum. Mum. Up. Up." He said poking my nose. I opened my eyes and looked at him and he got a big smile.

"Owen no let mommy sleep." Matt says coming to pick him up.

"No. No. Mum." Owen says scream and throwing his arms out at me.

I sit up and take him and he has a big smile on his face. Matt sits down beside me and kisses me.

"I'm making supper if your hungry." He says with a smile.

"Yes I am. Is it ready?" I ask.

"Yes it is. Here I'll take Owen and you can go sit down." He says and I hand him Owen and walk to the table.

He brought me a bowl of soup with some crackers and then sat down beside me. I finished eating and went and sat back on the couch.

I was feeling better now so I could actually sit up and walk without feeling like I was going to pass out. We all sat on the couch for a little bit then I went and put Owen to bed and got ready for bed myself.

(Hey guys sorry it took my so long to update and this chapter kinda sucked. I've been kinda busy the last couple of days and I still might be for a little bit but I'm gonna try and update more often.)

Never Apart - Matthew Espinosa fanfic (Sequel to 'The New Girl')Where stories live. Discover now