Chapter twenty-eight (part two)

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Kayla's Pov

"Oh. My. God. Kayla your going to get married today!" Kaitlyn yells at me. "I know!" I say almost crying. Tears of joy obviously. I'm so excited I'm slowly freaking out. "I'm so nervous!" I say shaking. "You will be fine! You are going to marry the man of your dreams this afternoon." Jillian says giving me a big hug. "Ya your marry the guy you always talked about marrying." Aubrey added. "Yah yah I know." I say with a smile.

It's now 9:30 in the morning and I have been at Kaitlyn's since 7. They didn't want me to see Matt at all today so u had to leave early, so when I left Owen wasn't even up and I feel bad for leaving Matt with him. But they should be fine Nash will call Kaitlyn if there is any problems. Which is kinda upset because I would like to see my baby. But whatever I'm not going to argue.

"When do you think we should start doing our hair and stuff?" I ask turning the tv on. "Umm well let's start at 12 or just after so we can make sure everything it perfect." Jillian said playing with my hair. We sit watching tv and talking. "Hey Kayla do you remember when we first met?" Aubrey asked me. "Yes it was grade nine year and we had all morning together and I didn't know anyone else so I pretty much told you we were going to be friends." I say laughing.

"Good times good times." She says laughing. "Then Kaitlyn we had science together and you two were really close and we all just kinda started talking!" I say. We all knew how Jillian and I become friends we were friends for a long time. "Yes then we all found out we were madly in love with the guys and that's all we talked about." Kaitlyn says laughing. "I miss seeing you guys everyday. I miss my old life, but at the same time I don't." I say almost crying.

"Kayla no matter what we are always going to be here for you even if we aren't actually here." Jillian says giving me a big hug. "But I miss going to school and going out to the mall or anywhere and no one knowing who I am. I miss living in a small town. I miss my family. Non of them talk to me anymore. Dad won't let Billie call anymore and I invited them to the wedding and they didn't call to say if they were coming or not." I say in complete tears.

"But Kayla think about how much better your life is now. You are marrying the guy you've always talked about marrying. You have a beautiful baby boy and a great family just look around. You have all of us and all of those boys." Kaitlyn says wiping my tears. "And honey you will always have me, I will always be here for you." Elizabeth says giving me a big hug. I smile and sniffle a little.

"Okay well let's get that out of the way and stop crying. Today is suppose to be a happy day." I say standing up. i went to the kitchen and got a drink and there was a knock at the door. I ignored it. "Kayla, there is some people here to see you." Kaitlyn yells at me. I walk towards the door. "Kayla." My sisters scream at me. "Ava. Mady." I yell and run to give them big hugs. "Hey what about me." Billie says. I start to cry and give him the biggest hug ever.

I talked to them for a little bit but then that had to leave so they could get ready for the wedding. I went upstairs and Kaitlyn was on the phone. "What's up?" I ask as she hangs up. "It was Nash. Owen won't calm down so I'm gonna go over there and see what is wrong." She says and leaves. I really hope he's okay. We sat and watched tv while Kaitlyn was gone and Jillian and I looked at hair styles.

"So how is he?" I ask Kaitlyn and see walks in. "He's fine, I think he just needed a girl to calm him down." She says. I smile and calm down. It's now 11:45 and I went and hid in the bathroom so I could text Matt since I wasn't allowed to talk to him. I get into the bathroom and my phone goes off.

From; Matt💑💕

Hey hun I know I'm not suppose to talk to you but I can't do it anymore. I miss you like crazy and I can't wait to see you later. I love you!

To; Matt💑💕

I miss you too and Owen. Give him a big kiss for me! I can't wait to see you! I love you!

I smile and turn my phone off and go back to the living room. "Okay well I think it's time that we start heading over there so we can get ready." Aubrey says. We all agree and go to the cars.

We get to the church and go to our room and Jillian starts doing my hair and Aubrey does my makeup. We were laughing and having a good time. "I'll be right back." Kaitlyn says and leaves. I look at Aubrey and she shrugs her shoulders. A couple minutes later she comes back with Owen. "I thought you would like to see this little guy." She says putting him on my lap. "Oh my. Thanks Kaitlyn." I say and start talking to Owen.

Aubrey finished my makeup and Jillian was just finishing my hair. Kaitlyn took Owen back to the guys room. When she came back we got dressed. My dress is white strapless with pink around the top, pink underneath, and pink ribbon that ties through a corset thing. Then the girls dresses are a light pink lace dress that is sorter in the front and longer in the back. Then for Skylynn (the flower girl) hers is white with pink dots on the top, pink bow in the middle and pink on the bottom on the dress layers. For the guys Matt just has a plan black suit with a white shirt and black tie, then the rest of the guys have a black suit with a pink vest and tie. (like picture at beginning.)

I stand in front of the mirror looking at my self. "You look absolutely stunning." Kaitlyn says doing a few extra touch ups. "I feel like a princesses." I say with a big smile. "Well by the end of the night you will feel like a queen." Aubrey says and gives me a hug. "Okay well let's get going. I'm ready to become Mrs. Espinosa." I say with a big smile and we walk out.

(Hey guys sorry I took so long to update just not really in the mood. I really hope you guys liked it. The next chapter will most likely be the last then I will update my new book. I really hope you guys like this one!)

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