Chapter twenty

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Kayla's Pov

When I left the hospital they didn't find out what was wrong with me so they just let me go. They told me if they pains came back to go back and they would do more test. Let's hope the pain doesn't come back.

Matts been more caring about they baby lately with is really nice. I still don't think he knows that the baby is his. But once the baby is born we are going to do a blood test so he knows it is his baby. He texts every morning and night to make sure everything is okay. He keeps asking me what I want for Christmas but I won't tell him because I don't really know what I want. I think I just want him to be home and just spend time with him.

Today Kaitlyn and I are going to a movie and she wants me to dress up because she is also taking me out for supper. But no one really knows about me being pregnant, I haven't told anyone other then family so I usually wear baggy clothes when I go out. But I wanted to make her happy. So I shower let my hair air dry and I put on a black dress. It's looser fitting so you can't really see my belly but at the same time you can. She wanted me to wear nice shoes but that wasn't happening so I put on my pink vans and I was ready to go.

She picked me up and we went to a little restaurant. Just with my luck a few girls we went to school with were there. Yay so much fun. As we walked in I hope they wouldn't see us but they did. "Kaitlyn? Kayla? Is that you?" One of them say walking over to us. "Hi." Kaitlyn and I both said turning around. They looked at me then my belly and there eyes got really big. "Oh um I didn't know." One girl says. I really wanted to play with her and pretend that I just got fat but I probably shouldn't.

"Congratulations." Another one said. "Thank you." I say with a little smile. "How far along are you? And who's the father?" One asks. "I'm four months and Matts the father." I say, the last part a little sassier then I should have. "Oh I thought he was on tour." She says. "Oh he is. I got pregnant before he left." I say. "Oh does he know?" She asked. "No I thought I would surprise him when he got home with a baby. Of course he knows." I say sassily. She just glares at me. "Well we should probably go." The other one says and they leave.

Kaitlyn and I went and sat down at our table and talked for a little bit. "So when you have the baby what are you going to name it?" She asks me. "Well I was thinking if it's a boy, Owen Bill. And if it's a girl, Addison Mae." I say smiling. She smiles back. "I really like those names." She says. I smile. "What are you going to do about last names?" She asked. "Umm I don't know. I should give them Espinosa since Matt is the father but if he doesn't come around and shows that he will be there then I will just give them mine." I say. She nods and we continue to eat.

We had a fun time at supper and at the movie. At supper was the only time we talked about the baby and Matt, which was really nice. After the movie Kaitlyn came over for a little bit. We laid in my bed debating if we wanted to FaceTime Nash or not.

We finally decided that we would FaceTime him. I went and grabbed my iPad and we called him. It rang a few times and he didn't answer so we just hung up and watched movies. I fell asleep and I'm guessing Kaitlyn did to because when I woke up in the middle of the night she was sprawled out on my bed practically pushing me off.

Never Apart - Matthew Espinosa fanfic (Sequel to 'The New Girl')Where stories live. Discover now