Chapter thirteen

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Kayla's Pov

The past couple of months have went by really fast, it is now the last week of school.

"Omg we are finally graduating!" Kaitlyn says walking into my room waking me up. I moan and roll over. "Kayla get uuuuuuup." She says pushing me. "Why?" I say rolling over and rubbed my eyes. "Because we are going shopping today." She says throwing clothes at me. "What if I don't want to go?" I ask rolling over. "To bad you are and you have no choice." She says pulling me out of bed.

I get up and throw my hair into a messy bun, put leggings on and a sweater. I didn't feel like putting any make up on because I was super tired.

We went to the mall to buy shoes to match our dresses for grad. Grad is in 4 days and I'm actually really excited about it. I didn't really have any family going because my dad wasn't coming up so Nash, Elizabeth, Skylynn, Hayes and Matt were the only family I had.

We both ended up buying 5 pairs of shoes, a few shirts and some pants. It was about 5 by the time we got home. We go and put our stuff in my room and go downstairs to the living room and see Matt and Nash sitting on the couch. I run over and jump on Matt.

"Hey beautiful!" He says kissing my cheek. "Hey." I say. Kaitlyn sits beside Nash and he puts his arm around her. They are so cute together so I just sit there and smile. We watch movies and after Nash takes Kaitlyn home and Matt comes and lays with me in my bed.

The week went by really fast and the next thing I knew it was Friday, grad day. I was super nervous, but super excited at the same time. Kaitlyn and I went and go out hair and nails done. The next thing I knew it was 5:15 and we had to be there at 6:00. Kaitlyn, Nash, Matt and I put our clothes on and went to the school.

When we got there all the other students were already there. We got ready to do our walk in. Alphabetic order so I was last. Matt and I walked in and my heals already started to hurt my feet and I was having trouble walking in them and I almost fell.

After the ceremony there was a party. We got there a little late because Matt and Nash took us out for a little bit. Then took us home so we could change. When we got to the party almost everyone was drunk. I'm not really big into drinking but I decided I was going to drink.

About an hour into the party Matt and Nash were completely hammered, it was really funny. Kaitlyn and I were drinking but not hard core or anything. Me and her were dancing together and laughing at the boys because they were having trouble standing.

"Drink this." Matt says handing me a shot. I drink it and he hands me more. I drank so much I was officially drunk. Kaitlyn was now the only one that wasn't drunk. At 3:30 she took us all home. Nash was going to her house and Matt was coming with me.

"Goodnight Kaitlyn." I say kissing her cheek. "Goodnight Kayla." She says helping me into bed. "I love you." I say falling into bed. She giggles at me and tries to help Nash out of the house.

"Kayla." Matt says climbing on to my bed. I look at him. He smiles and he starts to climb on top of me. He slowly starts kissing my neck. He found me soft spot and started to suck, I moaned a little. He then started kissing my collar bone and started moving up to my lips. When he got up to my lips he smashed his on to mine.

Our lips moved in sync with mine. He licked my lip for entrance and I accepted. We made out for a little bit he started to put his hand up my shirt. I tugged on his shirt and he took it off and I took mine off. He then started kissing me again. He found the button to my pants and undid it and I did the same to his.

I don't remember much after that. I woke up and saw that I was naked and so was Matt. I got really scared to I quickly got up but quiet enough not to wake him up. I ran to the bath room and started to cry.

I don't know what happened and I'm really upset with myself because I always told myself I wouldn't do anything until I was older. I fell to the ground crying. I got up a couple minutes later and had a shower. I then went down to the kitchen started to make breakfast and texted Kaitlyn.

To; Kaitlyn👭💕


From; Kaitlyn👭💕

Later today park?

To; Kaitlyn👭💕

Okay sounds good, we will leave when you bring Nash home.

I then heard Matt come downstairs. "Goodmorning hun." He says hugging me from behind and kissing my check. "Goodmorning." I say back being a little awkward but he didn't notice.

(Woah! What happened?!
Sorry I took a little while to update but what do you guys think happened? Do you think they did it or not? Umm big question! Well I guess we will soon find out!)

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