Chapter thrity-six

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*Nine months later*

Kayla's Pov

*ring* *ring*

"Hello?" I say half asleep.

"Kayla, it's Nash Kaitlyn's having her baby and she wants you at the hospital now." Nash says in a panic. I sit up really fast.

"Okay we will be right there." I say and hang up and then wake up Matt.

"Matt get up Kaitlyn's having her baby." I say shaking him. He slowly rolls over and gets out of bed.

I go and get Owen from his room. He is still asleep so I slowly put his jacket on then we went out to the car.

We got to the hospital 15 minutes later. We quickly find Kaitlyn's room, I go in but Matt stays in the waiting room with Owen. After being in her room for 20 minutes I went out to the waiting room.

A few hours later Nash walks out of the room with tears forming in his eyes. Matt and Owen are asleep on a chair so I shake Matt a little bit while Nash walks over to us.

"We had a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Drew Endersley Grier!" He says with tears.

I stand up and give him a big hug.

"Can we see her?" I ask.

"Yes Kaitlyn might be sleeping but Drew really wants to see her aunty Kayla, uncle Matt and cousin Owen." He says with a big smile and takes us to the room.

Kaitlyn was sleeping but Drew wasn't so I went and picked her up and sat on the chair holding her.

An hour later Kaitlyn woke up and she looked at all of us and when she looked at Drew her eyes got really big and she got a really big smile. I was still holding Drew so I stood up and gave her to Kaitlyn.

She had Nashs eyes but she looked so much like Kaitlyn. They look so cute together.

"Well we should probably get home and get dress and we will be back later." I say and I kiss them both on the check.

We went home and I showered and changed then gave Owen a bath and got him dressed. It was 11:00am so we went out for brunch then we went back to the hospital.

*A few days later*

"Knock knock." Nash says walking into the house followed by Kaitlyn.

Owen runs up to them. "Uncle Nash auntie Katie." He had a big smile and jumped on Nash.

I just finished washing the dishes then I walked to the front door.

"How's my baby girl?" I say getting Drew out of her car seat and go and sit on the couch with her.

We sat on the couch and we talked and played with the kids. Drew was a really good baby, she didn't cry very often and when she did it was for like 10 minutes.

"Do you want to go out for supper or stay here?" I asked walking from the kitchen.

"Let's go out!" Kaitlyn says with a big smile.

They went home and got ready and we were going to meet at the restaurant in 45 minutes. I get dressed then I help Owen get dressed then we went to the restaurant.

*The next day*

"Hey Kayla wanna go out tonight? Mom and dad will watch Owen if you want." Matt says walking into the living room.

"Sure, where are we going?" I asked.

"I was think supper at the bar?" He said. I nod.

*A few hours later*

"Okie Owen you ready to go?" I ask him setting his bags at the door. He jumps up and runs to the door.

"Okay so we have pjs, tooth brush, extra clothes, favourite blanket and teddy bear." I say making sure we have everything.

We then go and drop him off and then we go to the bar. This is the first time we've gone out in over two years. We had a good time we talked and laughed it was lots of fun.

It was 2:00am by the time we started heading home. We both only had on drink so we weren't drunk or anything so Matt just drove home.

We got home and I got ready for bed and climbed in. I was just about asleep when Matt jumped onto the bed and started to kiss me.

I screamed because he scared me and then we both started to laugh. He started to kiss me and things started getting really serious.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked sitting up a little bit.

"Well if your not we don't have to." He says with a sad look.

"Well Owen is now 2 so I guess we can now." I say. He smiles and started kissing me and slowly starts taking off my clothes.

(Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update. But Nash and Kaitlyn finally had a baby!! Yay!!! And now I think Kayla's going to have another!! So I think I'm going to end this book soon so comment if you want a Cameron fanfic or another Matt one!)

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