Chapter twenty-seven

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*Six months later*

Kayla's Pov

"You're going to look gorgeous." Kaitlyn says. "But I'm so nervous. Il getting married in a week." I say pacing around my room. "Don't be nervous, you are marring the guy of your dreams. I remember back home when he was all you talked about." She says with a smile. "You and me use to facetime talking about Nash and Matt saying that we couldn't wait to meet them. We would talk about what we would do when we met them. Then when you moved and told me that you met them I knew you were going to fall in love." She says giving me a hug.

Even though that made me feel better I was still nervous. I'm getting married in a week. I'm going to be Mrs.Espinosa in a week. All this wee I'm going to be getting really, like I'm getting my nails done, my hair and just preparing myself. "I'm so happy you are my maid of honour and you are going to be here with me every step." I say and give her a big hug. "I'm happy you picked me to be your maid of honour." She says with a big smile.

*Later that day*

"Okay Matt we are going out." I say giving him and Owen a kiss. "Okay, see you later." He says. Kaitlyn and I go to the car and we drive to the nail salon. We get in and get manicures and pedicures. It was fun, I love spending time with her we always have so much fun. "What colour do you think I should get?" I asked her. "Get like white with a little bit of pink to match your dress." She says with a smile. I nod and I tell the lady that.

After we get our nails done we went and got food. On our way home I got a phone call from Matt. "Hello." I say answering it. "When are you come home?" He asked in a panic. "I'm on my way home. Why? What's wrong?" I ask. "It's Owen he won't stop crying and I don't know what to do." He says with panic in his voice. "Is he hungry?" I ask. "No I just feed him." He says. "Does he need a bum change?" I ask.

"No I already did that." He says. "Okay um does he have a fever?" I ask. "Um I don't know." He says. I giggle a little. "Well is he hot?" I ask. "Well ya he is my son." He says with a laugh I laugh to. "Oh my god. Does he feel hot? Like feel his forehead is it hot?" I say laughing. "Yah it is a little." He says. "Okay well he could just be getting sick I will be home in like 5 minutes." I say and hang up.

We got home and Owen was asleep now. I walk aver to him and Matt and pick him up. "Oh my he's just a sweating." I say. I take his clothes off so he was just in a diaper. "When did he fall asleep?" I ask. "Um two minutes ago I got him to stop crying." He says. "He's okay right?" He asks. "Oh yah he's fine." I say. "He is six months old so he could just be teething." I add in. "Okay." Matt says and you can hear the relieve and his voice.

He slept for a good hour and a half. When he woke up he was screaming his head off. I picked him up and rocked him a little and he stopped screaming but he was crying. I gave him one of those chewy things for teething. He didn't want it and he just threw it. I found some child Tylenol and gave him some. A little while later he stopped crying. He was still really hot so I gave him a bath. When I got him out I just put him in a diaper and laid him on the floor.

He played on the floor for awhile. We were watching tv when there was a knock at the door. I go up and opened it. I stood in shock at who was at the door. "Jillian. Aubrey." I say not moving. "Kayla!" They say and give me a big hug. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Did you really think we would miss your wedding?" Jillian asks. "Well I was hoping you wouldn't." I said with a smile. "So where is the little boy?" Aubrey asked walking in. "He's in the living room. He hasn't been feeling very good so just be careful." I say and they walk in.

We sat down and I caught up with them. We had fun and Owen was starting to feel better he wasn't crying as much and his fever went away. "I've missed you guys so much!" I say with a big smile. "I've missed too! Oh and I have something to tell you." Aubrey says. "What is it?" I ask. "Well Shawn and I have been together for awhile and he asked me to move in with him! And I'm going to!" She says with a big smile. "Oh my god that is great!" I say and give her a big hug.

"Jack and I have been planing on moving in to but we haven't decided yet." Jillian says. I smile "Well I hope you guys do. You guys are so cute!" I say. We kept talking then I got a phone call saying that my bridesmaids cancelled. I started to freak out. "Kayla what's wrong?" Aubrey asked. "My bridesmaids cancelled on me. What am I going to do?" I asked. "Well we could do it if you want?" Aubrey said. "Would you guys really? With such short notice?" I ask. "We would do anything for you!" Jillian says with a smile.

I told them all the details and we would go and get there dresses tomorrow. We then ate supper and I then got them settled in there room. We had three rooms so I only had one left for them because they couldn't really stay in there because there wasn't a bed for them. "Okay so Owen might wake up in the middle of the night screaming and I am sorry if he wakes you up. He does some days and some days he won't." I say. "That's okay I think we will be fine." Aubrey says with a smile. "Well okay goodnight." I say. "Goodnight. See you in the morning." They say and we go to bed.

Never Apart - Matthew Espinosa fanfic (Sequel to 'The New Girl')Where stories live. Discover now