Chapter thirty-two

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Kayla's Pov

*two weeks later*

My brother and sister have been here for two weeks and it's been so much fun I really miss then being around but at the same time I don't.

Today Billie is sleeping over and Hayes so I just have the girls and Owen. Matt is out with Nash so Kaitlyn is going to come over.

It is 1:30pm when Kaitlyn finally comes over. She comes in and I was just washing the dishes and Owen was in bed sleeping and the girls were watching tv.

"Hey. Whatcha doing?" She asked walking in.

"Oh hey. I'm just finishing the dishes. The girls are in the living room." I say putting the last couple dishes away.

She went and sat with the girls. Once I was done I joined them.

"So what are we gonna do today?" She asked. Both girls looked up and shrugged there shoulders.

"Could we have like a girls day? Like do hair, makeup and nails?" Mady asked.

"Yes let's do it. That sounds like fun!" Kaitlyn says with a big smile.

We went up to my room and grabbed the nail polish, hair stuff and makeup. We went back downstairs and started. Kaitlyn painted nails while I did hair. We started with Mady she painted her nails and I curled her hair then we did the same with Ava.

"Maybe we should go out for supper after this!" I say finishing the last little bit of Ava's hair.

"Can we actually?" Mady asked looking really happy.

"Of course we can and we will look super hot!" Kaitlyn said winking.

After we finished hair and nails we did there makeup. We didn't put a lot on them just a little bit, but enough that you could they had some on. Then we got ready ourselves.

At 3:20 Owen woke up so I went and got him and he just crawled around for a little bit and played with his toys.

At 4:00 Nash and Matt showed up at the house and looked at us like we were crazy.

"What we are getting ready for supper." I say with smirk.

"What do you mean supper?" Matt asked.

"Oh we have hot dates for supper tonight. So you will have to look after Owen." I say trying not to laugh.

"Okay well just make sure they have you home by 11." He says with a smile. I start to giggle and he kisses my check.

"You guys have to get ready to." Mady said pushing them to get ready. They just laughed and did as she said.

We then went and got dressed. The girls put in little sun dresses and sandals on. Kaitlyn put on legging, a nice shirt and vans on. I put on a skirt and a crop top then vans. Then I put a little shirt that looked like a tux and a pair of jeans on Owen.

At 5:00 we were all ready to go for supper. We drove to a little restaurant. We stayed there until like 9:00 before we finally went home.

By the time we got home Owen was already asleep so I just put him into his bed then I made sure the girls waned there faces and then got them ready for bed.

After all of that Matt and I went and watched tv in bed like we normally do. When we do that we normally talk more then watch tv.

"Do you think we are going to have another baby?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Well I want another one of you want one but not yet I don't think. Owen isn't even one yet and I would like him to be at least two or close." I say looking up at him.

"Well I want another one but yah I was thinking the same thing. But I also don't want you to be pregnant at Nash and Kaitlyn's wedding." He says with a smile. I nod and agree. I then cuddle up to him and fall asleep.

*the next morning*

I was wide awake at 6 so I got up and I went for a run. I haven't gone for a run in a long time. It's really nice it gives me time to think.

My big thought right now is do I want to go to school or just be a stay at home mom with Owen and any future kids? I really want to do both but at the same time I really want to be there for my kids.

I was out for about an hour. When I got home still no one was up. So I had a quick shower and then made some coffee. I sat at the table and read a book while I drank my coffee.

At 7:30 I heard someone upstairs run into the bathroom so I went up there. I knocked on the door and Mady was in there.

"Are you okay hun?" I asked leaning up against the door.

"No I don't feel good at all." She says and she sounds sick.

I waited by the door and she came out. She looked really sick. I took her downstairs and laid her on the couch. I made her some toast and got a ginger ale. It didn't take long and she feel asleep.

A little while later everyone else got up then I moved her back upstairs so she wouldn't spread what ever she had.

She slept for most of the day. She only come down when she needed more ginger ale.

That night I had Billie and Ava both sleep downstairs so Ava wouldn't get sick sleeping with Mady.

(Wow two updates in one night! Look at me go! I know this one wasn't very good and I'm sorry about that but it should be getting better soon! I hope you are enjoying it!)

Never Apart - Matthew Espinosa fanfic (Sequel to 'The New Girl')Where stories live. Discover now