I Didn't do it Officer

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Chapter 20

                The day of her date arrived making Crystal a little nervous.  She had been out of the swing of things for two weeks now and she wasn't sure she could get back out there.  If her other two dates hadn't been such complete disasters, then maybe she wouldn't be as nervous as she was now.  Turning around in front of her mirror Crystal checked to make sure everything looked alright.  She had purchased a new cute cocktail dress and shoes that morning.  She had even felt pretty when trying it on.  Looking at herself now she wondered if it was a little to fancy for a first date.  Deciding it was too late now to change she grabbed up her light sweater and clutch from the bed.  She was surprised to find Anna and Lewis sitting on her couch when she came down the stairs.  She had thought Casey was going to watch B.B. for the night.  Apparently plans changed.  Anna wolf whistled at her as Crystal obliged in taking a spin around for her. 

                "You don't think it's too much?"  Crystal asked worried she overdid it for the night.

                "Absolutely not.  And if your date doesn't go well at least you'll look good as you walk away."  Her friend offered bringing out a nervous chuckle from Crystal.  Lewis looked at the two of them in silence taking in their friendly banter.  He said nothing as he turned his attention back to fending off her cat who had apparently decided Lewis would make a good bedfellow.  Crystal rolled her eyes at the two of them handing the water bottle to Anna so she could defend her boyfriend. 

                "You're not using the same cab company as last time, are you?"  Anna asked as Crystal shook her head.

                "Nope.  I found a new one.  They're a little more expensive then the last company but hopefully they'll be a better quality."

                "You get what you pay for."  Lewis threw in drawing the attention of both of the women.

                "There's nothing wrong with saving a little money Lewis."  Crystal told him as she pulled on her sweater.

                "I don't see why you don't just get a regular cab and save on the expense of the dress."  His statement left Crystal without words for a moment.  She understood he was far from being poor but even he had to realize.

                "I'm looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with here.  I can't show up looking like a hag.  I use the cheaper cabs so I can save the money for my wedding not the date."  She pointed out but from the vacant look in his eyes she knew she had lost him.

                "I just don't get it."

                "We know hon.  It's okay."  Anna cooed at him before waving Crystal out the door.  She didn't want to be late after vowing to put her best foot forward tonight.  Walking down her steps she glanced over only to see Casey and his girlfriend standing outside.  Determined to ignore them Crystal turned her attention back to the curb where any minute now her ride should pull up.

                "Aren't you all dressed up.  Got a hot date tonight?  I don't miss those days one bit."  His girlfriend tittered at her making Crystal want to rip out her tongue.  Turning her eyes to Casey she glared in his direction.  Receiving the hint, he moved to shuffle the woman back inside.  It had been what was agreed upon.  Crystal had won that game of pool and as payment Casey had to keep his trick far away from her.  A request that had shocked him at the time, but he agreed none the less.  As he hustled back inside the cab pulled up to the curb.  Crystal approached it a little wearily remembering her last two rides before.  Opening the back door, she didn't note any unpleasant odors.  Ducking inside she checked to make sure there were no other passengers as well.  She was sure she had developed some kind of mental illness but due to her grandfather's actions she couldn't ask Dr. Miller anymore.  As it was, she had to mail the pillow back after she had washed it certain the man wouldn't want to see any of her family face to face for the foreseeable future.  Giving the cabbie the address Crystal sat back in her seat bemoaning the loss of her access to the neighborhood shrink.

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