It's All Relative

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Chapter 2

A knock sounded on her front door but before she could get B.B. off to answer it, Casey walked in. He raised an eyebrow at her in question while taking the scene on the couch in. Crystal just shrugged her shoulders in response leaving the cat where he was. He set his toolbox down with a resounding clunk as he turned to shut the front door. It wasn't that she was afraid of B.B. getting out seeing how he has never shown an interest in the outdoors unless it was from the window. If he did get out however it was likely he would attack some poor defenseless animal just because he could.

"What are you doing here?" Crystal asked watching as he picked his box up and headed into her home.

"Weren't you the one who called me at 4 this morning all distressed because your shower was broken?"

"You're over exaggerating. I wasn't distressed just slightly concerned."

"You were freaking out over the phone Chris. It was all I could do to calm you down without having to run over here in my underwear to keep you from a full panic attack."

"I like my showers." She pouted turning her attention to B.B. who had taken a sudden interest in his second favorite person in the whole world. Digging his claws into Crystal's thighs he launched his overweight body from her lap. Shouting in pain she rubbed at her legs knowing full well she would be all marked up. B.B. hardly noticed as he pranced over to Casey for a good rub. Reaching down rubbing the cat's exposed belly Casey looked up at Crystal sardonically.

"It was four in the morning Chris and you were demanding I come fix the damn thing or the world was coming to an end."

"I can't help what time B.B. decides to wake me up for food."

"He needs to go on a diet, and he wouldn't wake you up if you would sleep with the bedroom door closed."

"But he can't sleep at night if he doesn't have his mommy to cuddle with. Isn't that right B.B.?" Crystal cooed at him trying to coax him back over to her. B.B. had other plans however as he lifted his leg and began to bath himself giving her a full view of the process. Crystal let out a frustrated growl as Casey snickered at the two of them before he began to wander away. Crystal pushed herself off the couch following him up the stairs to her bathroom while still harping at him. Casey for the most part just shook his head at her as he continued with his task. Standing in the doorway she watched as he began taking tools out but became distracted when her cell rang.

"Hello?" Crystal answered without looking at the caller I.D. first. If she had she might not have picked up.

"Hi honey, I wanted to tell you grandpa wanted to come for a visit and we're almost there."

"I'm sorry you have reached the wrong number."

"Ha ha, very funny sweetheart. At least I called in advance this time."

"Exactly how much in advance?" Crystal asked trying to decide if she had time to leave before they got there.

"We're pulling into your driveway now. Nice try but I wasn't born yesterday."

"I didn't say anything." Crystal protested earning a snort in response before she hung up the phone.

"My mother just hung up on me can you believe it?"

"Yes, I can." Casey answered not looking up from what he was doing while answering her.

"Hey that's not very nice."

"I was being honest Chris, you never asked for nice." He pointed out making her stick her tongue out at him in response.

"Real mature." He stated having seen her from the corner of his eye. Rolling her eyes at him she growled in frustration pushing off the door frame to go greet her family. She didn't get too far before Casey called out to her.

"You might want to change your top unless you're going for the lactating look." Crystal looked down to find her workout top drenched right across her chest indeed making it look as if she was leaking.

"Damn it B.B.!" She growled rushing into her room to change out of her top before her grandfather could pick on her too. Casey's laughter followed her out the door as she whipped her tank off on the way to the closet.

"Sure, blame the cat." He teased her making her poke her head around the bathroom door frame to glare at him.

"It was the cat and you know it!" She yelled in indignation. Casey winced at the noise as the smaller space caused her voice to echo off the walls.

"Holy cow woman keep it down. You need to go get dressed before your grandpa comes looking for you and thinks there's something going on in here. I'm pretty sure I heard your door open a minute ago." Shrieking she jerked back from the doorway smacking her nose on the woodwork as she spun around in haste.

"Ah Shit!" Crystal yelled wiping at her nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding. Casey burst out laughing as she ran off rubbing her nose. She opted to just toss an old baggy t-shirt on trying to smell if it was clean after she retrieved it from the basket. Rushing to the bathroom she held the shirt out to Casey.

"Does this smell dirty to you?" He stared at her with wide eyes as he looked at the offending garment she waved in his face.

"The fact that you have no shirt on is overridden by the gross factor of you trying to get me to smell your laundry. Put on a clean shirt for crying out loud."

"But if I do that, I'll have to change it again once I can finally take a shower." Shaking his head Casey turned back to the shower head as he concentrated on loosening the nut. Crystal sighed in aggravation as she stomped from the bathroom going to retrieve a clean shirt

"You don't have any food in here." Rolling her eyes, she went to her mother's side looking into the cupboard as well. The shelves were stocked with protein shakes, granola, whole grain cereals and breads, as well as vitamin packs. She looked at her mom skeptically wondering what she was talking about.

"There's plenty of food in here." Her mother looked at her in horror before turning back to the cupboard.

"This isn't proper food Crystal. How do you survive on this?"

"It's healthy for you mom. Contrary to popular belief fatty food is not a food group."

"I know that." Her mom snipped back placing the box of cereal she had been holding onto a shelf in the cupboard. As she walked away Crystal reached in moving the box back to its proper place. She hated when her family visited and went through her house. All she did the entire visit was follow in behind them to put things back where they went not where the offender placed them. Her mother was the worst one of all, and it drove Crystal crazy whenever she ransacked the house.

Hearing the front door open again Crystal came out of the kitchen leaving her mother to her own devices to see who it was now. With any luck it would be someone to distract her mom from disorganizing everything. Casey's mom smiled as she took off her shoes. Crystal was about to tell her not to bother since her own family had left theirs on anyway when Casey came down the stairs. He was shirtless and towel drying his brown hair not paying attention to who had joined them.

"Hey Chris, did I leave my other shirt over here the other day?" He asked completely oblivious to the scene he was causing as all eyes had fallen on him as he came swaggering down the stairs wearing nothing but his jeans. Crystal inwardly groaned as she took in the hopeful looks of their mothers as they watched him come downstairs in silence. Grandpa was the first to break the tension in the room.

"Way to go Chris, that one looks like good stock. He'll make fine babies." He nodded sagely as Crystal's mouth dropped to the ground in shock. Casey's mom squealed in excitement clearly reading the situation wrong. Crystal's mother was the only other person in the room who looked as horrified as she felt. Casey, having heard his mom's voice dropped the towel from his head to his shoulders. His chocolate brown eyes widened as he realized how she had perceived what he said.

"It's not what you think mom."

"Why not?" She demanded just as B.B. launched himself at Casey's bare chest to chase after the loose string that hung from the towel. Crystal realized his intentions too late covering her eyes so she wouldn't have to see what happened.

"B.B. NO!" Her mom yelled as her grandfather laughed at what was about to go down.


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