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Chapter 36

1 year later......

Things have settled into a new routine and Crystal couldn't be happier. The night they had left the bar together started a new chapter in her life. They had gone to Casey's house to 'celebrate' together. Crystal had been sober for the most part and was able to remember their whole night together. That was the only night they stayed at Casey's place since B.B. couldn't be left to his own devices. From then on Casey had pretty much moved in with them.

A month after they had gotten together Crystal had been woken up by Casey's painful shouts. Apparently B.B. had let himself into their room as usual and taken it upon himself to jump onto the bed with them to bathe. Since he is so overweight he had to hang on to something for leverage while he accesses less reachable areas of himself. The object he decided to dig his claws into just so happened to be Casey's naked posterior. A sight she enjoyed watching flex as he walked across the room to set B.B. outside their door. When he had returned back to bed he was firm in the fact that in the new house B.B. was getting his own room and their room was getting a locking door. They had talked a little about what kind of home they had wanted together but it had always been spoken about in jest. That was the first time anything affirmative had been set in stone. She had laughed as he pouted at her before taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. The action itself was odd since normally he would have just swooped in and taken a kiss from her lips. It wasn't until she had seen something glittering from her hand that she realized why he had done it. In her sleep he had placed an engagement ring on her finger. She complained about not getting a grand proposal, but he teased her back saying she had already proposed to him that night in the bar. She did however receive the sweetest proposal she could ever ask for though. For the next week he left her little notes, sent texts, and left her single flowers everywhere. By the end of the week his proposal speech had been made and her final flower came with the man himself on his knee.

They had gone house hunting after that. Crystal had a whole list of things she wanted but the biggest was the white picket fence. Casey was fine with that as long as his requirements were met as well. Since his business was fixing up houses, that had been his biggest want. He wanted them to find a fixer upper that he could transform into the perfect home for them. Once they found what they were looking for the two of them began negotiations with each other as to what was going to go into it. Crystal found she rather enjoyed the activity and also discovered her fiancé was quite the negotiator. Once the plans for their home were finalized Casey and his crew began work. Crystal was banned from seeing it until it was completed. An order that annoyed her especially since the wait was dreadful. To fill her days, she worked extra hours at the gyms offering a few extra classes here and there. She refused to give up her job as an instructor even though she no longer needed to work. Casey didn't say anything when she firmly stated that she was going to continue working. What could he say? He understood the need to do what you enjoyed and wasn't about to deny her that. She also found that a lot more people than she thought knew Casey owned the complexes as well. After they had officially gotten together many people came up and asked her why she was still teaching classes. She was a millionaire now after all, a fact Crystal was still trying to wrap her brain around. Most days she pretended that part of Casey's life didn't exist. It usually worked too except for the rare occasion where he would do something over the top for her. She liked that he didn't frequently flaunt his wealth though. It made her love him even more that he was humble.

Six months to the day after they started dating they were married. There had been no need to rush really. It wasn't as if they had gotten pregnant at that point. In fact, Casey had gone out of his way to make sure that they were extra careful. She thought it was a little funny but didn't argue with him about it. She knew once they were wed that he would give her as many children as she wanted. Since it seemed to be a sticking point for him she let him have his way. As long as she had her way with him after.

The ceremony was a small one that they had on her family's farm. Her mother had always had a beautiful garden. When the venue was set her mother and Casey's mother worked extra hard to touch up the flower garden. The end result was beyond her wildest dreams. When her father walked her across the lawn to the makeshift isle tears fell from her eyes. Their two mothers had transformed the once fragrant flower haven into one that only existed in fairytales. Crystal had chosen a simple white shift dress for her gown and had opted to go barefoot for her ceremony. Casey was like wise dressed down in a pair of nice dark colored blue jeans and a white button-down shirt. The shirt was untucked and the first two button left open. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows as well. Crystal made a small sound of delight when she noticed that Casey was barefoot as well. Even B.B. had been included in the wedding party. He had on a collar that was designed to look like a bowtie. A simple leash had been attached to it that Crystal held in her free hand so that he could lead her down the aisle along with her father.

They had a two-part ceremony. Her grandfather officiated over the official event. Once he had heard the news he had talked Crystal's mother into teaching him how to get online all for the purpose of becoming ordained. He had wanted to be the one to marry the two of them. It was a sweet little service if not a little lewd at times. Not only because of her grandfather's antics, but also because mid service B.B. plopped himself front and center before proceeding to bathe his nether region. What else could anyone have expected from the two of them though. The second part was done by a justice of the peace who did the actual signing of the license with them. Even though Crystal appreciated her grandfather's intention she had wanted to make sure she was actually legally wed.

At the reception, their friends presented them with an elaborately beautiful tiered wedding cake. It was the most extravagant thing about the wedding. It was decorated with pearl candies. There were intricately made roses and butterflies that tied the piece into the garden rather well. Once Crystal's eyes landed on the cake topper however she burst into a combination of laughter and tears. Sitting proudly on top of the sweet masterpiece were replicas of her and Casey. She assumed because Chase and Lewis were equally as loaded that it had been no feat for them to order the ostentatious piece. Her figure was decked out in someone's take on an Amazonian's outfit. Casey's figure looked like he was trying to be a lumberjack. In truth the cake topper kind of looked like Xena the warrior princess married Paul Bunyan. It was the funniest thing Crystal had ever seen if not accurate as well.

Three months after the wedding Casey came home with a puppy. Crystal was delighted if not a little fearful for the puppy's life. Casey assured her all would be well. The puppy ended up being some kind of mix breed. They were told it had boxer, great dane, lab, and who knew what else thrown into the mix. It was cute as could be, but a little odd looking. They ended up naming him Gizmo and the goofy name seemed to fit him perfectly. When they introduced their new family member to B.B. things went as well as Crystal expected. Meaning not well at all. B.B. loathed the new addition and would constantly sneak attack the little guy in an attempt to end his life. Crystal was worried for him, but Casey assured her B.B. just needed time to adjust and Gizmo would soon outweigh the cat. In truth through all B.B.'s assassination attempts on Gizmo the dog had a blast. He completely misunderstood B.B.'s intentions and thought the two of them were playing a game. Nothing B.B. did to Gizmo ever seemed to detour the adoration the dog had for the cat. In retaliation B.B. turned his attention to his two owners instead. They lived through weeks of shredded clothing and little presents left in shoes for them. After a couple of months however things seemed to quiet down a bit. B.B. had apparently decided Gizmo wasn't all bad and they were now frenemies.

A month later Casey came home to surprise Crystal again. This time with the completion of their house. She had waited nearly a year to see it and was at a loss for words as Casey walked her through their new home. That night they had christened every room after recruiting their friends to babysit for the night of course. With in the month they were moved in and it was Crystal's turn to surprise Casey for a change. She had just gotten the news from her doctor that they were finally expecting.

It was now the end of a beautiful evening. Casey and Crystal were lounging on the porch swing enjoying the cool evening air. Crystal was sipping on a ginger ale to settle her stomach as Casey drank his tea. He had declared their home alcohol free the moment she had told him the news. It was a sweet gesture really and one she thought at the more trying times in their everyday life he regretted. B.B. sat in his catico in the window beside them enjoying his own breeze as well. They all watched as Gizmo chased a ball around the fenced in front yard completely engrossed in his own little world. Crystal sat beside her husband sighing in contentment as he rubbed absently at her slightly swollen belly. Life was good and she couldn't have asked for more.  

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