Let's Talk About It

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Chapter 33

Crystal made it through the front door and was rushing to close it behind her when it stopped before she could. She stood wide eyed meeting the shocked faces of Anna and Nora before she was moving again further into the house. She had no specific destination in mind as she tried to rush through the room. She made it as far as the coffee table in front of the sofa before she was being pulled to a stop by a large hand on her arm. No one moved as if they were all waiting to see what was going to happen next.

"Not so fast Chris. We need to talk." The way Casey said it was more like an order than a suggestion. His tone was slightly irritated causing Crystal to cringe knowing she had pushed him as far as he was going to let her. She let out a defeated sigh as her body relaxed giving up the fight. There was no way she was going anywhere until they had it out and she knew it. Anna cleared her throat drawing attention to herself as she began gathering up her things.

"I think we'll get out of your guys way for now." She stated motioning for Nora to follow her lead. It didn't take Nora long to scramble from her own seat wanting to be anywhere other than in that room. She felt a tinge of guilt for leaving Crystal to Casey's mercy but only just a little. This talk was a long time coming. If anything, it will let the two of them know where they stood. They both needed this to either move forward or stop before anyone got hurt. Crystal watched the two of them walk to the door pleading with her eyes for them to stay. Neither of them looked back however as they exited the house. As soon as they closed the door behind them Casey let her go. Instead of taking off again trying to run and hide Crystal instead moved to the sofa to sit ready to face him.

"Fine, let's talk." Crystal motioned to the chair she had sat near but couldn't raise her gaze to look at his face. Instead of seating himself where she wanted him though Casey plopped himself down on the couch beside her. In her surprise her eyes shot up to his face watching as he carelessly ran his hands through his hair. His eyes moved to hers causing Crystal to look away quickly as if she had been caught checking out her crush in class. Casey chuckled at her reaction which only served to ratchet up her annoyance with herself. Leaning forward he took her hand in between his larger ones forcing her gaze back to his.

"What happened the other night...." Casey paused scrunching up his features as if he were trying to find the right words to convey exactly what to say. Crystal watched him struggle for a moment before putting him out of his misery.

"What happened the other night probably shouldn't have happened." She breathed out in disappointment. As much as she had fantasized about him she regretted it. Partially because now their friendship was uncertain, and she didn't like that at all. Partially because neither had been sober and while she did remember bits and pieces of the night she didn't remember it all. She had no idea how much he could recall, and she was too shy to even ask. It didn't change the fact that if their relationship was going to change to a more romantic one she wished they had both been not only physically present but mentally as well. At her words Casey looked up ready to argue the point. Her words had stung, and they hadn't been the ones he had wanted to hear. He stopped himself however as he took in her body language as well as scrutinized her face. He had known her for so long now that he could read her better than anyone else. If he pushed a relationship with her now he would possibly be in danger of losing her altogether. Resigning himself to allow Crystal to take the lead in their talk Casey let go of her hand and slumped back in his seat. He waited patiently as he watched her thoughts play across her features. When he noticed her attention returning to the room he gently prodded her.

"Okay Chris, where do you see us down the road?"

"I don't know." She whispered pathetically. She didn't want to lose one of the most important people in her life. She was afraid that if she said the wrong thing he would walk away and never look back. With her track record with guys it was a very real possibility that the whole thing would blow up in her face any minute. Here they were trying to have a life changing talk and she was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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