Therapy for Everyone

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Chapter 18

Crystal met up with Anna at the gym pool where they were also joined by another instructor Mac. It seemed word had gotten out that she was back, and they were all willing to help her work herself into a puddle of goo. Apparently making sure she couldn't leave the gym by herself was everyone's goal for the day. Even sweet young Jude had put her through her paces in the pool. Which consequently made her change her opinion of him. By the end of her laps she was glaring at the lot of them. Anna and Jude had been snickering in return. She was sure Mac would have too but being the player that he was his attention was on the swimsuit clad clients lazily drifting in for class. Jude's first teaching round of the day was the over pampered entitled wives of the rich. They tended to take his class to flaunt themselves at him. Jude had admitted once that if they hadn't paid decent money for the class, he would have like to kick them all out. While he was a cutie and would harmlessly flirt with girls his own age Crystal had to give him credit. He was profoundly serious when it came to swimming. Rumor had it that he had been on the fast track for a national team with his eye on the Olympics when an injury ended his career early. She had never been brave enough to ask him whether it was true or not. By the way he carried himself around those who came for class she could assume it was.

Jude had several classes in a day as well as dealing with swimming. The other instructors did rotations around the gym but those with specialties usually were kept to that. Jude not only tried to teach light aerobic swimming to the rich and entitled but he also taught a few beginner courses as well. Most of the kids in the complexes the gyms were attached to learned how to swim because of Jude. A lot of the kids he got in class were only there so the parents could get a bit of a break from them. He didn't mind though as he really did enjoy teaching them. He also taught adults a beginner class too. Some had such a fear of water that they had gone their whole lives never learning and some just never had the opportunity to learn. He took that class very seriously as well. He told Crystal once that he wanted them to love the water as much as he did but half the battle was getting over their fear. His favorite classes however were the up and coming kids. The ones that showed a lot of potential for swim teams and possibly eventually a national team. Jude was tough on those kids, but they all admired him a great deal. There were people from all over the city that came to sign their kids up to be coached by him. Crystal was quite impressed by his accomplishments. If he weren't so much younger than her, she would have considered him perfect boyfriend material. It wasn't just that Crystal would never go for him however, Jude himself wasn't ready to settle down yet. He wanted to concentrate on swimming and giving all that he could to his students. An admirable trait indeed.

Next up Crystal was with Mac. This was a part of her training day she had been dreading. Mac was a personal trainer who worked mostly with weights but could tailor a regimen to anyone's needs. He was another specialty instructor and was damn good at what he did. Crystal however really didn't want to lift weights. She was big in stature as it was and had been turning down his offers to work out together since she didn't want to make herself any bigger. To her surprise Mac had set her up at the bags. She initially thought he was going to make her do kick boxing, but he assured her it would only be boxing. The most her ankle did was foot work as she danced around the bag for a while. Since Anna couldn't do her kind of training with Crystal, she offered to be her sparing partner instead. Mac watched them closely so that Crystal didn't over do it and neither of them did anything too fancy. By the end of the session Crystal's muscles were nice and warm even if she had found it a bit boring.

Crystal and Anna left the other two at the gym since they still had classes to teach. They all agreed to meet up later for a drink to celebrate Crystal officially coming back to work in a couple days. As the two of them walked along the sidewalk Crystal tested her ankle to make sure she didn't over do it earlier. To her astonishment it felt surprisingly good and gave her a promising outlook that the worst was over. Anna laughed at her as she watched what she was doing. Soon enough the two of them found themselves on Dr. Miller's street.

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