Pasties and Black outs Don't Mix

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Chapter 29

By the time Lewis and Chase joined them on the back deck the girls were done with the six pack of beer and working their way through an assortment of mixed drinks. The remnants of the pizza they had ordered earlier sat on the table behind them. It wasn't long before Casey and his girlfriend joined the group bringing more beer with them as an offering. Crystal, being soundly drunk at this point, could care less who joined them. Anna was filling the others in on her rendition of Crystal's date while Crystal helpfully added in the bits she didn't know. The other four occupants on the deck listened in rapt horror as the tale unfolded absently polishing off the rest of the pizza. By the end of the story there were mixed reactions from the group. Lewis, and Casey's girlfriend, looked equal parts shocked and horrified. Chase was doubled over laughing, more at the way the two of them told the tale, then what had actually happened. Casey however looked ready to blow his top. Before he could though, Crystal picked up the now empty boxes and flounced her way over to the large trash can. On her way back she was so busy watching her chest that she almost ran right into the table. Casey's girlfriend reached out to stabilize her earning a cheeky grin from the drunk woman before she flopped back into her chair. Casey stewed over his thoughts as he watched the drunken behavior of Crystal while drinking beer after beer. He paid little attention to how many he was consuming as he silently stared from his chair.

Casey's girlfriend, whom Crystal finally learned was named Nora, gathered up all the empty bottles from in front of him. She watched him with worried eyes as she moved away to deposit the bottles in the can. Right after they hit bottom the can began to vibrate as it made a rather loud buzzing sound. Startled Nora backed quickly away only turning back to the others when Crystal and Anna nearly fell over laughing. Lewis caught Anna and righted her in her seat raising an eyebrow in question. Crystal had flopped in the opposite direction tipping her chair and practically landing in Casey's lap. Crystal jumped from her seat to right her chair tripping over the rungs in the process. Falling forward her hands came into contact with his shoulders as they almost smacked faces in the process.

"I had no idea such a little thing was so powerful." Anna gasped out watching as the large bin scooted a little bit from the vibration.

"Why do you think I used it." Crystal giggled turning her face to look at her friend. Thankfully, Casey still had a hold of her waist or the movement would have sent her falling over backwards onto the deck.

"What is in there?" Nora asked eyeing the can suspiciously while wearily sitting in Crystal's vacated seat. Anna snorted before laughing loudly and pointing.

"It's Crystal's vibrator. She had to throw it away because B.B. peed all over it." Chase joined in her guffawing and even Lewis began snickering. Nora covered her mouth trying to hide her own laughter as she glanced sideways at Crystal to see if she was annoyed. Crystal however had moved on to other things as she was staring down at her chest yet again. She was jiggling her body in different ways and a tiny scowl had begun to mar her face. Casey squinted his eyes to watch what she was doing trying to figure her out. Without warning she pushed herself off of his shoulders causing him to stand and stumble to keep her upright. Turning to Anna, Crystal shook her finger at her clearly not happy about something.

"I don't like these things. There is absolutely no support." Crystal chastised then proceeded to poke at her boob to clarify her statement.

"What is she talking about?" Casey asked while watching her finger in fascination.

"She's talking about pasties." Anna answered flipping her hand lazily in their direction as if it cleared everything up. Casey looked to the other two guys for clarification but they both shrugged their shoulders.

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