Friendly Benefits

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Chapter 14

Crystal was grateful when they got to the doctor's office and was offered a wheelchair for her to get around in instead of having to be carted around by Casey. Normally she wouldn't have had a problem with it, but since the run in with his fling she was feeling just a little testy. She was trying to make an effort not to bite his head off in front of the other patients in attendance. The effort was becoming a chore and Crystal was weighing the benefits of just ignoring any conversation with him instead. It was an irrational and petty thought, but his bimbo had been over the top staking a claim on him and it had put her in the worst mood ever. Casey for the most part had seemed to pick up on the fact that Crystal was in a foul temper. He sat next to her in the waiting room watching her silently trying not to set her off. Truth be told at the moment she resembled B.B. when he was in a snit, so much so that he wanted to laugh at her. Knowing it wouldn't end well for him however he remained quiet as he studied her trying to figure out what her problem was. She had been having a tizzy since he had come over that morning and her attitude had only gotten darker the longer they were together. If he didn't know better Casey would guess that she was mad at him, but he knew he hadn't done anything to risk her ire.

Crystal sat in her borrowed wheelchair glaring at anyone who came too close to her. It didn't matter if it was Casey, another patient, the medical staff, or a random child she scowled at them all. One woman in particular seemed to earn her sneers more than all the others. The middle-aged woman had been sizing Casey up since they had come in and it was irritating Crystal to no end. The woman had fixed her hair, checked her make up in a small mirror, and readjusted the girls to be more appealing. After completing her last-minute touch ups, she had been trying to move closer to Casey and catch his interest. It wasn't like Crystal didn't know how good looking her friend was or that he did tend to attract women wherever he went. Usually she would just laugh it off and tease him about it until he was so uncomfortable with the attention he would generally stalk off sulking. Today however, she had had just about enough of these shallow women as she could stand. She was in pain, irritated, and still slightly embarrassed by what her grandfather had done. Enough was enough.

"What are you here for?" Crystal bit out catching the woman off guard as she hadn't noticed that there was someone sitting next to Casey. Typical.

"Excuse me?" The woman asked her trying to play innocent even though she was slightly bent over giving an eyeful to not only Casey but also a room full of people. Some of which were children that were thankfully clueless as to what the woman was doing.

"You heard me. If you're contagious I would rather you not be leaning into our comfort zone. If you're contagious in other ways I would definitely say move along lady." Crystal's words caused a few chuckles around the waiting room as the woman snapped back into an upright position clearly offended and a little uncomfortable with everyone staring at her. Not that she wasn't getting everyone's looks before, but it seemed she had been unaware of it until now.

"I don't think that's any of your business." The woman snipped at her glaring at Crystal which clearly did nothing but egg on the argument. She needed someone to take a little steam off on and this woman had been the unfortunate one to come into Crystal's sights.

"It is if you're intentionally getting others sick because your trying to pick up a guy. Who comes to the doctor's office anyway to pick up other patients? Shouldn't you be hitting on some poor unsuspecting doctor instead?" Crystal asked earning a few more chuckles at the woman's expense. The woman took a quick glance around before narrowing her eyes at Crystal. Honestly if she hadn't been acting indecent in a public place no one would have batted an eye at her. The fact that others were finding the humor in the current argument going on told Crystal that she hadn't been the only one bothered by the woman's blatant play. Casey probably hadn't even been the first guy in here to receive it either. Crystal would almost bet that the woman hit on anyone she wanted giving little thought to whether they were with someone or single. Sadly, enough she had probably gotten the attention she was seeking more than once which is probably why she continued to act however she wanted. Case in point, the woman leaned closer to Casey making sure her shirt gaped open revealing what Crystal would call a rack too fake to be real. Her manicured hand draped lightly on the chairs' arm rest causing her bright red talons to come close to caressing Casey's arm. Casey sat still beside Crystal moving his head from side to side as each insult was lobbied. He was wondering how far to allow things to go before stopping Crystal from physically grinding the woman into dust.

"I think you should mind your own business. I didn't hear him complaining. It's not my fault you'll never look this good." The woman smiled slyly at her while flipping her hair sending a draft of hair product laden air their way. Crystal wrinkled her nose at the offensive chemical smell that overpowered her too sweet perfume for a moment.

"If I had as much work done as you have, I could look just as unnaturally plastic as you do." Brushing the barb away the woman turned her attention to Casey smiling coyly at him.

"What's your name sweetheart?" The woman asked flirtatiously as she ran her red claws up and down his arm. Crystal gagged loudly at the action. Casey looked over at her quirking an eyebrow. He began to look around at the closed doors of the doctor's office hoping they would be called back soon.

"He's taken so back off."

"By you? Don't make me laugh. You're clearly lying."

"Why because I didn't doll myself up to go to the clinic?" Crystal snorted in disgust while looking the woman over with visible disdain.

"Who would ever go for someone like you?" The woman sneered returning the less then favorable once over she had gotten from Crystal. Instead of being bothered by the woman's words as she would normally be, Crystal saw it as a challenge. A fiery glint lit her eyes as she leaned her head on Casey's shoulder. A warning flashed in his mind too late for him to stop what she said next.

"It's really sad that you'll never have the kind of relationship we do. It must be exhausting knowing they'll never want you for more than what you're clearly offering. Not that we lack in that department though. It's why we're here after all. Things got a little out of hand last night and I ended up getting a bit banged up. Oh well I guess we'll know not to do that position next time." Crystal sighed looking up at Casey while overly batting her eyes. She honestly didn't know why women batted their eyes anyway. Crystal thought it tickled and fought the urge to reach up and rub the heck out of her lids to remove the sensation. Her words had found it's mark as she woman leaned back sputtering while she turned a very unflattering shade of scarlet. Before anything else could be said a nurse came out calling Crystal's name. Casey jumped from his seat between the two woman and pushed Crystal's wheelchair in the direction the nurse went. Crystal sent a little finger wave to the woman as she left the waiting room area.  

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