When All Else Fails, Hide

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Chapter 16

It had been nearly a week and a half since Crystal's mishap at the doctor's office. She had spent the time holed up at home under the guise of recuperation. What she was really doing was hiding from her best friend. She wished her prescription worked like too much alcohol in that there would be no recollection of events afterwards. However, that was not how a dose of pain meds worked no matter how much she wished it. For Casey's part he had been going about his business as if nothing had transpired that day. Perhaps for him it hadn't but for Crystal she couldn't shake the memory of what she had wanted to do to him in the parking lot. She felt like she had taken advantage of him somehow and it made it awkward for her to be around him. The whole time she had been healing he would pop in to see if she needed help with anything. Unfortunately, there were only two things she could think of. Her wayward thoughts towards him and her even more wayward grandfather.

The old man had been driving her bat shit crazy for the last week. If he wasn't hovering around her trying to find out why she and Casey weren't bumping uglies, his words not hers, then he was making escapes to serenade the local elderly women. At least chasing after her grandfather had kept Casey out of her hair. For that she couldn't be too mad at the frisky old fool. The disease seemed to be contagious and rampant in her house as well. Since the first time B.B. found the urge to start humping people he had continued to do so almost daily. Crystal had been so concerned that she had called his vet to find out what was going on. The only advice the vet had for her was hormones. Apparently even though B.B. had been fixed he still had an abundance of the damn things and that was what was making him act the way he was. There was nothing the vet could do or prescribe to make it stop. Anna had brought over a spray bottle for the times he got a little unruly. At first Crystal had deemed it unnecessary until B.B. mounted her grandfather. While funny in theory she didn't want to have to explain to her mother that B.B. broke the old man trying to get his jollies in. She couldn't help thinking it was a bit of karma at work though. Not that the minor payback slowed her granddad down at all. Currently he was MIA again and she had had to call Casey to enlist his help. If he hadn't kept chasing the ladies so much, she wouldn't have had to deal with Casey as much. There were only so many times she could hide in the bathroom before it just started looking weird. At the rate it was occurring Casey was going to start thinking that her bladder only worked when he was around.

At the moment Crystal was seated in the recliner by the front window watching for the two of them to come up the walk. The chair had gotten more use since she's been injured than it had before. It had become her temporary post for Casey look out duties. It was the easiest way she could see him coming and have time to make herself scarce. Unfortunately, it also was the easiest way for her to see his fling from over a week ago make several reappearances too. Either Casey had taken her words to heart and started dating the woman or she couldn't take no for an answer. Crystal wasn't sure which one she preferred at this point. The first morning after the doctor's visit when the woman had come out of Casey's townhouse again, she could have kicked herself for giving him dating advice. It wasn't like Crystal herself was going to go after him though. She didn't care how attractive she found him or that she started to daydream the what ifs with him as the star. The main thing was that if they ever did go that route and things ended badly, she would lose her best friend in the process. That was a sacrifice she just wasn't willing to make. He meant too much to her to lose him because of hormones. With the way he treated romantic relationships she just couldn't see things ending any other way for them. It would all be a moot point anyway when she was back on her feet and dating again herself. Crystal figured that was why she had started daydreaming about Casey in the first place. She still wanted to get married and settle down but because of her injury she had had to put the search on hold. As soon as she got back out there everything else would go back to normal.

"I said I'm coming. Good grief boy what are you trying to do rush me and give me a heart attack?" Crystal looked out the window to see Casey coming up the sidewalk guarding her grandfather from behind to prevent any form of escape. Crystal snickered watching the two of them. The scene wouldn't end well, and Crystal sat watching thoroughly entertained by them. It was about time her grandfather gave someone else a little hell besides her family. She shouldn't find as much joy in the thought as she did, but no one had to know. She slunk down peering out the window trying to watch them without being noticed herself. She nearly jumped out of her skin when something furry brushed against her arm. Looking down she found B.B. watching out the window as well. Apparently, she wasn't the only one getting a kick out of it.

"Stop man handing me boy I'm not my granddaughter you know?" Crystal frowned at this wanting to kick that old fart in his saggy butt.

"I'm not man handling you." Casey sighed out exasperated by the old man's antics.

"So, when are the two of you going to have kids anyway? You do know that's why she's dating right?" Crystal's mouth dropped open in shock. The last thing she needed right now was the picture of her and Casey's offspring. The thought could fuel her imagination for weeks.

"I know that. I'm not going to tell her what she can and can't do." Casey told him turning a little pink in the cheeks as he spoke. Crystal raised an eyebrow at his reaction wondering just what was going on.

"I'm telling you boy if you don't tie that one down, you're going to miss the boat." Crystal screwed her face up in thought. Her grandfather tended to talk in riddles when he was trying to make a point. She wished he were clearer in intent because half the time it went over her head. Casey came to a stop placing his hands on his narrow hips while watching the old man continue on. It didn't take long for her grandfather to notice he was walking alone though. He turned around and walked right up to Casey which was a bit of a comical sight. Her grandfather scowled as he faced off with her friend and if he hadn't looked up, he would have been glaring at Casey's chest. Crystal settled in as she wished for a bowl of popcorn. Things were just starting to get interesting.

"Where have you been all morning? I've been waiting for you." A sultry voice came from the vicinity of the porch next door. Crystal couldn't look to see who it was, or she would have given her hiding place away. She didn't have to wait long as the leggy brunette that stole Crystal's birthday present to Casey came into view. She walked right up to him draping herself across his chest effectively blocking Crystal's grandfather as he took a couple steps back. Crystal deflated knowing she would never get to hear what the two of them were going to say before the interruption. Crystal's grandfather made a show of looking the woman over before meeting Casey's eyes with a look of disgust.

"Maybe you don't deserve her after all." With those parting words her grandfather turned around and headed to Crystal's house. Not wanting to get caught in the act of spying she pushed away from the window as B.B. hissed letting out a growl. Startled Crystal looked down at the furball ready to apologize for scaring him. The cat wasn't looking at her however as his slitted gaze was aimed out the front window.

"My sentiments exactly." She said while reaching down to pet him in comfort and camaraderie. That was how her grandfather found the two of them when he came in. Crystal sitting in the chair with B.B. in her lap. The elderly man shook his head at her in pity then walked away heading to the bathroom. Crystal watched him go in confusion before looking down at B.B.

"What do you suppose that was about?" She asked her furry companion who looked annoyed at her before leaping from her lap and heading into the kitchen.

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