You, Me, and Mr. Vicodin

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Chapter 15

In the examination room the nurse took down what they were there for as well as a vital check on Crystal before she left. Picking up one of the various magazines laying around the room Crystal settled in for another wait. Even though the nurse had said the doctor would be in soon she had been to the clinic enough to know it was rarely soon after the check in nurse left that the doctor would breeze through the door. Casey sat next to her watching as she calmly flipped through the pages of the magazine as if she hadn't just been in a fight only minutes ago. Crystal side glanced at Casey feeling the weight of his stare on her. Sighing she closed the magazine turning her attention to her companion.

"What?" Casey didn't answer her right away but continued to look her over as if he were trying to solve a mystery.

"I don't understand women."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How can you be so calm when not ten minutes ago you were ready to tear that woman's head off?" He shook his head completely confused by the whole thing.

"It was very disrespectful. First of all, who the heck comes to the doctors feeling crappy but wants to be hit on? Second, if she knew you weren't the one who was ill that means she saw us come in together and completely disregarded the fact that you could be here with your girlfriend and hit on you anyway." Casey smiled leaning into her.

"My girlfriend huh?" Crystal rolled her eyes at him pushing him back over to his own seat.

"For all she knew I was. The fact that she came on to you anyway tells me she's done it before and doesn't care if it's wrong."

"So, you were defending your place as my girlfriend." Casey stated causing Crystal to sigh in exasperation.

"I don't have the qualifications to catch your eye." Baffled Casey looked her over trying to figure out what she was talking about.

"Exactly how do you know that? You don't live in my head Chris."

"Thank goodness for that. I don't have to be able to read your mind; I have eyes. I've seen the women you go out with, at least the ones you bring home. It doesn't take a genius to figure out your type. Which I might add is not a category I fall into." Casey looked shocked as he mulled her words over inside his head for a moment.

"You know I'm never serious about any of them, right?" It was Crystal's turn to be shocked by his words.

"Why date if you're not looking for a relationship?"

"For the fun of it, because I'm bored, maybe I just want some company."

"Because you want some company? You know anyone of us is a phone call away right?" Casey rolled his eyes frustrated that she wasn't getting it.

"Not everyone is single Chris." He hinted hoping he wouldn't have to spell it out for her. Sometimes she could be so dense.

"I'm still single. You don't have to worry about ruining my plans if you call for some company." Casey's eyes widened with disbelief. If only she was offering what he was really talking about.

"It's not that I wouldn't call you Chris. Believe me I would."

"It's a moot point anyway after what I saw this morning." Crystal stated effectively changing the subject.

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