Love at First Sight?

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Chapter 3

Casey let out a shout as B.B. made contact. Crystal cringed from behind her hands unwilling to look and see what the damage was. She knew from experience that he could tear quite a hole due to his weight pulling at the skin he clung too.

"Oh my God my poor baby!" Casey's mom bellowed rushing by Crystal to get to her son and save him from B.B. who was hell bent on the dangling string that was bouncing about Casey's skin.

"It's fine mom, Chris come get your demented cat off me." He called out to Crystal making her sigh and drop her hands. Casey's mom was fliting around in front of him trying to figure out how to remove the cat without causing further damage. Casey appeared cool as could be as he hugged B.B. to him to keep the creature from clawing any further while waving his mom away. He was staring at Crystal expectantly waiting patiently for her to help him. She would have laughed at the whole thing if she didn't see little lines of blood forming across his muscular chest.

"It's okay Miss Smith I've got him." Crystal assured her as she carefully cradled the large furball in her arms. She was so busy extricating B.B.'s claws that she missed the look in Casey's eyes every time her hand brushed against him to take off another paw. Moving the cat away she unceremoniously plopped B.B. into the closest recliner before turning back to Casey. By then he had adverted his eyes to wipe up the blood from his skin with the towel that was draped over his broad shoulders. Crystal's mom walked back into the room handing the first aid kit to her motioning in Casey's direction. Heaving a sigh Crystal pulled on his arm to lead him to the other chair. Once she got him there, she shoved him down into it kneeling next to the lamp table she had opened the kit on.

"Did I ever tell you two how I met your grandmother?" Crystal rolled her eyes having heard the story at least once every time he visited. She glanced up at Casey to see his eyes lit up in humor not remembering whether or not he had heard it yet. It didn't really matter however as her grandfather would just ignore anyone who said they had anyway. Crystal quietly worked on disinfecting the scratches as her grandfather began his tale.

"I met your grandma when we were in high school. We were both in the choir and we got paired up to be dance partners in the operetta. It was love at first sight for both of us. I smiled at her and she smiled at me and that was that. I gave her a ride home after school and we were together ever since. Neither of us ever dated anyone else." Grandpa smiled in nostalgia remembering something that didn't happen. Crystal snorted in exasperation causing Casey to look at her in question. As she was doctoring him up, she was whispering the parts he had conveniently left out that her grandmother had told her years ago before she had passed away.

"Love at first sight my butt, she thought he was a showoff and couldn't stand him. He took off his sock, balled it up and chucked it at her from across the room to get her attention. Gave her a black eye from lobbing it at her face too. She really didn't like him them. It took a while to win her over and at one point they did break up and he started chasing after another girl and had gone on a couple dates with her before they got back together." Casey snickered at her little snit as she filled in the blanks under her breath.

"Now take your fella there for example. I bet you fell for him the first time you saw him. I mean look at him of course she did." Crystal groaned in annoyance and opened her mouth to argue back but her mother jumped to his rescue.

"Dad how about you take the trash out?" Her grandpa looked confused at first before his eyes lit up. He got up from his seat and almost ripped the little bag of trash from her hand in his haste to get out the door. Crystal's mom laughed as he hobbled as fast as he could rushing to get out to the cans. Crystal looked back at her mom giving her a questioning look.

"We passed Fern out at the cans on our way into the drive."

"Good grief." Crystal bit out getting up to save the elderly woman from her grandfather's attentions. Casey grabbed a hold of her arm stopping her from heading out to retrieve him.

"Oh, let him be Crystal he hasn't had this much fun in years." Crystal looked at her mom in horror, shocked by the action of the woman she thought she knew. Her mom snorted at her before heading back into the kitchen along with Casey's mom. Her attention was brought back to Casey when he burst out laughing beside her. She scowled at his amusement crossing her arms.

"Oh, come on Chris it's funny."

"No, it's not."

"It is a little bit." She continued to stand over him, her glaring only causing him to laugh harder. Being a 6'0" tall Amazonian usually made it easy to intimidate anyone who ticked her off. As Casey stood up, he ruffled the top of her head being one of the few guys bigger than she was. She actually came up to his shoulders which was a rare occurrence for her. Most men were usually shorter than her or about the same height. It was too bad that he was her best friend.

Her inner musings were cut short as the sound of their mothers bickering drifted into the living room. Curious Crystal made her way into the kitchen as Casey went back upstairs to retrieve his toolbox and wet shirt. She was nice enough to tell him where she had placed his other one before they separated. Cautiously entering the room, she found the two of them huddled over her laptop that was still sitting out on the table. Dreading to see what they were doing, Crystal crept up behind them to look at the screen over top of them. She gasped out in shock as her eyes landed on one of the dating sites she had signed up for. The two of them were flipping through the ones that had sent her messages that they were interested in her. She was aggravated to see they were arguing over who to message back and who to just delete.

"What are you two doing?" Both of the women turned to her with guilty expressions across their faces.

"We were trying to help you sweetheart." Her mom answered looking less guilty as she clicked the ignore button she had been hovering over.

"You cannot be serious."

"Now Crystal, it's no secret that you're looking for someone special and since you can't seem to see my son as a candidate then we need to make sure you at least pick a decent young man." Crystal's mom nodded in agreement with Casey's mom as she ignored yet another contender.

"Mom would you stop doing that."

"Doing what dear?" She asked as another bit the dust. Rushing forward Crystal closed the laptop before the two of them could do anymore damage to her love life. Her mom looked at her completely unruffled as she held out a piece of paper to her.

"What's this?"

"That's your date for tomorrow." Miss Smith answered while smiling sweetly at her. Crystal groaned as she grudgingly took the paper from her mother. It wasn't like she couldn't use all the help she could get. Especially if she was going to have a baby in the next couple years. She would have to find the right partner, get engaged, and get married in the next year. Time was of the essence and she couldn't afford to waste a minute of it.

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