Black Wedding (Finale)

Start from the beginning

The piano starts playing and Rias starts walking down the aisle, being escorted by her father Zeoticus. Rias' dress is a deep black, and it fits her body well even with the baby bump. As the two come towards the altar tears hit Y/N's eyes, not out of sadness, but of joy. Seeing the woman he loves more than anything coming to the altar to marry him overwhelms him. He isn't the only one though as everybody at the altar is crying, including Sirzechs who offered to be the officiant because he wanted to embarrass his sister one last time before she was a married woman. Alongside them Venelana Gremory is crying as well, seeing her daughter about to be married off.

Rias joins her lover at the altar, and she gets a huge smile on her face seeing him crying with joy. She expected this, but was still a little surprised to see it considering who this man is.

"You may remove the veil," Sirzechs instructs Y/N. Y/N does as told and sees the beautiful blue eyes of Rias Gremory.

"You're not going to stop crying are you?" She asks. The couple as well as everybody else all laugh.

"Not a chance." Sirzechs gathers his composure and starts the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together of these two souls in marriage. While the way they came together may be seen as unorthodox, the two of them seem to be certain that they know what they want. Ah, the ignorance of the youth." Everybody laughs and Y/N can't help the smirk that hits his face, though Rias just rolls her eyes at her brother. Even in a moment that is meant to be important and serious Sirzechs can't help but keep his antics up.

"Continuing, we are glad to welcome these two into a state of matrimony that could be considered anything but holy. Through all the trials and tribulations these two have gone through and will go through, today marks their vow to be by each other's side every step of the way. As someone who has watched this relationship develop I cannot be any more happy to see them come together." Quite the words for Y/N to hear, considering his past torture due to his relationship with Rias.

"Marriage is much more than just two people coming together because of love. These two desire to wake up and face every single day together as one, and on the other side end them together as one. The unification of two beings in matrimony is a testament of not only love, but the desire to provide and protect each other, as well as anybody else who may sneak into their lives." The bride and groom smirk at each other thinking of the soon to be third member of their family. "Now if I am correct the bride and groom have written their own vows."

Rias speaks first. "Y/N, the path we have followed to reach this moment has been a winding one, but I can't imagine having had anybody else along for it. Through all of the pressure that has been placed onto you you've shown that you are able to handle it, and do it well. Whether it's the little things you do that make me smile or something that took much more time and effort, you've always done your best on my behalf."

"From this day forward I can only hope to be a wife that can make you happy in the same way you do for me. Whatever the two of us will face I know that you'll be my strength to help me through it. Through the good and the bad I know you'll be there by my side. I love you Y/N." The vows written by Rias make Y/N's tears pick up more, so much he isn't even sure he can read his. After a second of breathing he reaches into his pocket for the vows he wrote.

"Just more proof she's the brains of the operation," he says generating laughs from the congregation. "Rias, from the very beginning of our relationship I have looked forward to this day. While there have been times I've worried about the future and where we could end up, you've always reassured me that everything will be okay. When my limits are being tested you're the one who helps me come back down to Earth and recollect myself."

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