20~What Did You Do?

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You haven't seen Patrick in what felt like forever. You were sitting on your bed listening to music on your walkman humming and singing lyrics to the songs until you were sadly interrupted.
"Y/n can you please go to the grocery store I need to run a few errands for my job and I won't be able to stop and get the stuff on my list."
your father yelled from downstairs.
"Okay dad,"
was all you responded with before getting out of bed and put your shoes on.
"Everything seems too calm lately like what the fuck happened to that clown and Patrick, knowing my luck i'll run into one of them today."
you thought to yourself before heading downstairs to be greeted by your dad ready to hand you his list of what to get.
" eggs, milk, apples, and paper towels."
you mumbled to yourself wondering why you needed them so urgently.
" I have to head to work now but thank you for going to the store, i'll be home around 4 or 5 if i'm home any later you can order pizza."
Your father said
"Okay, bye dad have a good day at work,"
you responded he then kissed you on the cheek and left the house. You then left the house after your father and then locked your front door. After locking your front door you wore it as a necklace because the key was on a long string. You then hopped on your bike and made your way to the grocery store.
"thank you," You said to the lady behind the counter grabbing your extra change and groceries before exiting the store. Once you left the store you hopped one your bike but just before peddling off you were greeted by that familiar mullet wearing fuck Henry Bowers.
"I need to talk to you, NOW."
He said sternly raising his voice at the "now" letting you know it wasn't really a option. He was clenching his jaw in anger which caused him to ball his fist like he was ready to fight
"well fuck my luck," you thought to yourself.
"Fine but right here, I don't trust being alone with you."
That response caused a chuckle from Henry.
"Good you should be worried about what would happen if we were alone."
that remark caused you to cringe and him noticing that he started talking.
"What the fuck did you do to Pat?"
he almost yelled looking at you now like he wanted to fight you.
"What do you mean? I've done nothing,"
you responded which caused him to groan in annoyance and none belief.
"What do you mean i've done nothing,"
He mocked
"Oh shut up with that lie! You know he's been taking his meds! And guess what since he's been doing that he's stopped hanging out with me!"
Henry continued on the anger and rage in his voice sounding more clear with every word he spoke.
"Well I don't know, it's not my problem, and even if I did why would you care so much? Seriously sounds like you have a crush on him or something."
You said jokingly causing him to pause all he was doing before looking at you with shocked eyes like he saw a ghost.
"S-Shut up! I don't care! I just wanted to know!"
he yelled before storming off.
you thought to yourself before heading home.
Henry walked home angrily his fist balled up and his jaw still clenched tightly but his eyes still like he saw a ghost.
"How dare she.."
he mumbled to himself as he grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it before he continued to stomp home. Once he was home he entered his house to see a ton of beer bottles surrounding the whole house and his father passed out on the couch still holding his beer in one hand. He scoffed looking at his dad "asshat"
he mumbled as he walked over to to his fridge and opened it grabbing a beer from one of the shelves. He took a sip of the beer and that's when the voices began.
" You know Y/n was right you like him, in fact you love him," the voice taunted.
"shut up" Henry whispered trying not to wake up his father.
"You're a gay boy Henry and you know it."
the voice continued to taunt causing Henry to say "shut up" again a bit louder but quiet enough that he wouldn't wake up his dad.
"Just think of how your father would feel knowing he raised a gay boy."
the voices continued to taunt before placing his hands stiffly on his shoulders applying a painful amount of pressure to his shoulder which cause Henry to freak out and run out the house.
Henry ran and he ran fast the voices still taunting him loudly.
the voices were now chanting as Henry ran quickly to escape it all. Henry ran somewhere he knew where all the voices would stop, he ran to the junkyard,  his safe spot.
As he ran and ran the junkyard cane into his view and he quickened his pace now entering the junkyard as he ran he then bumped into the raven haired boy.
"Henry are you alright?"
Patrick asked looking at the out of breathe Henry.
922 words i'm going to try to be more frequent with writing again thank you so much for reading.

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