10~His friends

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Patrick and you had just arrived at Henry's house you noticed a lot of empty beer cans in a trash can near the entrance of his home a deep breath was the only things that could save you now as you both made your ways to Henry's backyard. Immediately you saw Vic and Belch sitting down drinking beers as Henry was shooting his gun at empty cans in front of them. Henry then stopped once you walked past him, he stared you down giving you a death stare beyond pissed off at you just being there.
" What's she doing here? "
Henry said sternly as he didn't even look at Patrick just at you angrily.
" She's my girlfriend."
Patrick said slinging his arm around you.
" Didn't seem like your girlfriend during that little fight where glasses threw a rock at me. "
Henry said back still looking you dead in the eyes.
" She just needed to know her place she does now.."
You were beyond disgusted by the way Patrick was talking about you.
" Y/n, run inside and get me a beer. "
Patrick said pushing you causing you to look at him in pure confusion it was like you were some trophy to wave across Henry's face. Slowly you made your way into the house looking for where the beer boxes were, Henry's house was a mess scattered with papers and empty beer bottles. It took you about five minutes of looking around until someone handed a beer to you. Looking up you saw hazel eyes and a smile that belonged to the blond haired boy Victor Criss.
" Here you go, sorry Henry's such a dick."
Vic said still having his cheery smile.
" Then why are you friends with him? "
You asked annoyed, Victor was nice actually he helped out the losers at times warning them of when Henry was planning things you never saw him as an asshole, never even had a problem with him but the rest of the bowers gang were the exact opposite especially Patrick and Henry. He let out a sigh thinking of an answer before he shook his head.
" I don't know, I guess I'm scared of what'll happen if I'm not his friend? like if he'll take things to the extreme, especially now that Henry's been going fucking insane this whole year. "
At those words your eyes lit up.
" What do you mean? "
Victor let out another sigh as fear hit is eyes almost immediately at your question.
" He's been talking about this-this clown.. that like gives him gifts? But when he talks about whatever it is he looks insane almost like it's not him speaking then he talks about like murder.."
Red flags immediately appeared when you heard the words clown, what is this clown? and what does it want? and also talking about murder that's insane.
" Vic, you should really go to the police with that information Henry needs some serious mental help."
Victor nodded his head,
" I know, I know but they won't believe me his father works there they'll dismiss everything I say I'm a known bully of this fucking town they'll think I'm just pranking them."
You nodded your head taking in everything as you held the beer can in your hand. What have you gotten yourself into?
" Thank you Vic for telling me this."
You trailed off.
" No problem. "
You both just sat there in silence until Patrick called for you out asking for his beer which you gave him he said something under his breath like " took you long enough " which caused you to roll your eyes and Henry noticed, he gave you the death stare and was mean to you for the rest of the day until 6 when you left for home.
The rest of the day you kept thinking of what Victor said about Henry seeing this clown thing, You wondered if it was the same clown you saw and why this clown was doing this? You kept on thinking about everything as you went to sleep.

657 words! I know this was pretty short I've been running out of ideas on what to write lately so yeah..anyways I hope you enjoy the story so far. Over 500 reads!! Thank you so much!! 💕
- Aria

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