21~Lies And More Lies

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"Henry are you alright? you're sweating??"
Patrick put his hands on Henry's shoulders trying to calm him down. Henry jumped at the touch of it snapping out of his thoughts and clearing his throat he began to speak.
"I'm fine." he said in a cold harsh tone.
"what's up with you? you don't hang out with us anymore."
He asked trying to keep his obvious disappointment to himself.
Patrick let out a sigh and a small chuckle tilting his head up looking at the sky smiling.
"Yeah about that Henry i'm done with immature shit i can't bully kids forever. i've come to realize i'm not all mentally there and the gang was bringing out the worst in me."
Henry got even more angry
"So you're just done!?"
he shouted out causing Patrick to smile and look at him.
"Yeah, I think I am."
he said before he began to walk off.
"Tell your father I said hi"
he turned to say as he officially walked off Henry balled his fist up.
"If you leave the group i'll tell everyone what we did"
Patrick stopped in his tracks turning around.
"The fuck did you say Bowers?"
he said angrily approaching Henry who had a smirk on his face.
"I said if you leave the group i'll tell everyone we di-"
Henry was cut off with Patrick's fist to his face
"keep your fucking mouth shut Bowers!"
He exclaimed at him before storming off angrily.
Henry later there on the ground with a bloody mouth laughing hysterically.
"Hey give it back!"
Beverly laughed as she started reaching for the note. You an Beverly began to hang out after learning about your mutual hate for Greta. You felt bad for Beverly and all the rumors that were spread about her.
"You're hair is winter fire ! like January embers, My heart burns there too! OH BEVERLY I LOVE YOU"
You joked causing her to giggle and reach for it
You were so happy you both could finally schedule a sleepover. You were confused on why she made sure you didn't spend the night when her father was home. Your curiosity on why you weren't allowed to meet him was there but you just brushed it off.
"Hey ! I like it it's really sweet!"
she kept reaching for it and finally snatched it out of your hand.
"i never said it wasn't, i'm just wondering who it is"
you replied laughing a bit.
"yeah I wonder too, but I do have an idea on who"
"Really who?"
Beverly leaned in closely and quietly whispered
"I think it's Bill, he's just been very sweet."
she smiled holding the note to her heart.
"Possibly why don't you ask him about it?"
you replied causing her to look at you in disbelief.
"I can't just do that! If it's not i'll look like a complete weirdo."
that remark caused you to laugh.
"Everyone here is a weirdo."
you smiled "including me!" you both laughed as Beverly turned to turn on the radio. You smiled finally being happy, for once, you were finally having a break and allowed to just enjoy these teenage years.
"Y/n! Y/n!! my dads here you have to get up!"
Beverly shook you violently trying to waking you up. You finally did facing Bev who was freaking out.
"Come on! Come on you have to go!" she whisper yelled grabbing your stuff and handing it to you.
"Bev, what's going on? what's wrong?"
you questioned as you held your stuff
"You have to go i'm so sorry! out this window be quick ! i'm really sorry i'll explain everything later!!"
You slowly jumped out the window and landed on your feet. You looked up and saw Bev staring down at you before quickly turning to see who you assume was her father and her immediate facial expression change.
You then walked home holding your stuff in one arm, it wasn't a lot of stuff just your clothes a few other small items.
as you walked home you saw your house and entered it slowly.
You looked around and saw no sign of your father which wasn't unusual since he was always working.
You closed the door behind you and locked it before going upstairs and into your room.
"Where the fuck were you?"
you saw Patrick standing there as he took a sigh of relief and hugged you tightly.
"P-Patrick I was at a sleepover? How did you get into my house?? How do you get into my house??"
You asked causing Patrick to laugh
"don't worry about it"
he smiled softly.
"Patrick are you okay?"
you asked him quietly
"I feel the best i've ever felt. I want to take you out on a date."
He said grabbing your arm causing you to drop your stuff.
"Wait right now??"
you asked.
"Yeah since our last date didn't end well I want to make that up."
you then followed Patrick out the house
and he led you to his local woods and saw his fridge was now gone. You turned to face him in confusion.
"Why are we here Patrick?"
He let put a sigh before kicking a rock nervously
"I've been taking my pills, i just want to apologize for being crazy, At times I can't help it, the-the pills calm me down and yeah i'm just sorry."
he sighed again.
"You don't have to believe me now. Let me prove it by gaining your trust again."
He said again. You stood there not knowing what to say and how to respond suddenly your thoughts were stopped by a mullet wearing fuck who approached you both with Vic and Belch behind him.
"See I knew they'd be here!"
He said smiling his psychotic smile.

1005 words wow ! Sorry for the really long Hiatus i'm back now so hopefully you like the story and how it's going. Thank you again for reading and hopefully you continue to read! Bye!

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