8~Cat Got Your Tounge?

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You made your way towards Patrick, he needed to stop! And he needed to stop now.
You walked over to him angrily and he was already looking at you a smile growing on his face instantly as you approached the raven haired boy.
" Good Morning Princess, how was your day? "
He teased causing snickers to grow from behind him he still had that dumbass smile on his face thinking that you were were going to apologize.
You weren't, You stared him down angrily, he then did a playful pout and said in a voice that you would say to your dog or a toddler.
" What? cat caught your tou-"
He was immediately cut off by you slapping him straight in the face, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and stare, even the fellow bowers gang members were shocked by your action.

" What? cat caught your tou-"He was immediately cut off by you slapping him straight in the face, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and stare, even the fellow bowers gang members  were shocked by your action

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He turned back at you still smiling his cocky smile.
" That's all you got? "
He asked as you had annoyed look on your face, he rather found you being angry funny and he enjoyed it a lot knowing only he can make you this mad.
" Stop harassing my friends Hockstetter! "
You yelled.
" And what if I don't stop? Tell me something Y/n, what are you going to do? "
He asked pulling out a pocket knife stepping closer to you and bringing the blade up to your face.
" I-I "
You stuttered not knowing what he'd do next.
" See I find it funny, tell me if you disagree but you act like I'm the problem when you can't seem to get me out of your head.. so let me ask you something who's the real problem Y/n ? "
He pushed the blade down as you winced in pain.
" Patrick! No harassment in the hallways! "
Mr. Lacey an English teacher yelled causing him to stop.
" Thank your damn luck, you'd be a bleeding mess if it weren't for it. "
He whispered in your ear walking off as the other bowers gang members followed behind him giving you intimidating stares as they walked by, except Vic he gave you a sympathy look along with a soft smile and a wave in which you returned.
*Time Skip*
School had now ended and word got around the school about you slapping Patrick. People kept on giving you stares and whispering as you passed by making you feel uncomfortable. You wanted to be in the shadows and not get noticed, but thanks to Patrick that's nearly impossible now.
You were walking home and you were approaching your front door, pulling out your house key from your pocket when you saw a trail of something.. a trail of blood?
A bad smell was coming from the front door of house and not to your surprise there was something laying in front of the door you were worried it was a wild animal that had some diseases on it. To your surprise it was a cat but a dead one, you frowned seeing a note was on top of the lifeless creature the note read in crooked words "  CaT cAugHt yOuR toNguE Y/n? "
as bloody fingerprints were on the paper.
You cleaned up the mess and threw away the paper. You didn't say anything about the situation to your father when he got home, you didn't want him to worry even though you feared your safety at the current time.
Hours went by and it was now nighttime everyone in the house asleep, except you.
You had been awoken from your sleep feeling a dip beside you in bed. You turned around facing a sleeping Patrick Hockstetter, it was 4AM how the hell did he get in your room without waking up anybody? You pushed him slightly causing him to groan and wake up.
"Patrick how'd you get in here!? "
You asked him after his eyes opened from waking up
" I hid in your closet. "
He replied wiping his eyes not caring at all about breaking into someone's house.
" Can you please leave! "
You demanded causing him to pull you down on the bed.
" stop what are you doing? "
You asked as he kissed your head.
" No more questions I'm spending the night."
He said simply you sighed then said,
" Patrick my dad's here. "
To which he replied with.
" He left three hours ago for work..now let me sleep. "
You huffed about to get out the bed before two arms wrapped themselves around your waist and pulled you down on the bed once again. His grip was strong you knew he wasn't leaving anytime soon, nor you.

764 words! Thank you for reading this story I hope you like it 200 reads!! Ahh oh my gosh thank you soo much!!

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