13~Mind of Madness

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It was now the last day of school and the days were getting longer, surprisingly Patrick didn't bother you since that incident. You and the losers became friends again and you were all walking home from school
" I can't believe that asshole threw my kippah! "
You heard Stanley yell.
" Whats you expect they're asshats. "
You said back, Even though Patrick wasn't bothering you his friends sure were, and by friends I mean Henry Bowers.
" Why do you hate them didn't you date that Hockstetter fuck? "
Richie said angrily, even though you made friends again with the other losers Richie still seemed a little mad at you which confused you so much.
" I wouldn't say dated, he basically forced me into a relationship
You shocked by Richie saying
" But you allowed it to happen didn't you? "
He turned around to stare at you as he gave you an angry look.
You just stood there in awe by those words what
is his problem?
" I feared my life 24/7 and full blown got harassed and threatened so yeah I  allowed it Tozier even though I constantly told him to leave me alone over and over. "
You said sarcastically as sadness was heard in your voice.
There was dead silence before Bill said,
" W-wait he threatened you? "
You looked at Bill as all the memories you tried to forget came back to you. The dead animals, everything.
" Yes he would threaten to harm you all, so I'm sorry Richie if I just let it happen but at least you just got your glasses broke and you didn't die. "
Richie looked down at his shoes like he was disappointed or something before he huffed and walked ahead of everybody.
" He'll forgive you eventually, it wasn't your fault. "
Eddie said patting your shoulder before continuing to walk.
" Why do I have a feeling this summer will be interesting "
Stan replied sighing.
" So how are you going to as you say
'Win her back' ? "
Belch asked Patrick as he flickered with his lighter.
" Be nice to her? "
Vic joked causing Patrick to look up giving him the death stare.
" Why the fuck is this like that god damn Molly Ringwald movie. "
Henry said before drinking his beer.
" Dirty dancing? "
Belch asked causing Henry to look at him in pure disgust at what he just said.
" No idiot that one movie where that guy was name duck or something. "
Henry replied.
" Pretty in pink? "
Vic asked as Henry nodded his head.
" Yeah that one, "
" not the point guys "
Patrick said causing Victor to laugh.
" You're really serious on winning her back dude? "
He asked. Patrick furrowed his eyebrows he didn't know why he was feeling this way or what he was even feeling but it was something, something he's never felt before.
" Yeah I'm serious Vic, there is just something about her. Something that makes me...just makes me feel something. "
Patrick said.
" that was deep. "
Belch replied looking at Patrick.
" Why does this feel like a god damn movie or book what the fuck? "
Henry said ruining the moment.

515 words I'm sorry this was really short don't worry Patrick and  " you " will end up together but just like any love it take s time xD just appreciate Henry being a meme for that chapter.

Okay goodbye - Gucci flip flops aka Aria who had too much sugar today

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Okay goodbye - Gucci flip flops aka Aria who had too much sugar today.

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