3~What is Mine

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As you came face to face with Patrick he looked at you with an evil grin knowing what affects of fear he had on you.
" Where ya off to princess? "
He smiled that sinister smile as he waited for your response still holding you in his arms.
" g-going home..."
You responded rather quietly all you wanted was for this boy to leave you alone he didn't know you, and you didn't want to know him.
" Please, let me go.."
You said softly as you struggled to get out his grip but he was too strong, he held you firmly in place as he said.
" first, I wanna know your name so what is it? "
He was now holding your wrist tightly.
" Y/n, now please leave me alone! "
You said struggling again to get out his grip.
" Let's get to know each other Y/n.."
He trailed off trying to lift up your shirt with his hand and that's when you punched him in the stomach with your elbow causing him to let go of you and hold his stomach as you grabbed your bag before quickly running home . All you heard was laughing from the boy which gave you chills, who the fuck laughs at getting punched in the stomach?
•Time Skip•
You woke up the next day and got ready

 All you heard was laughing from the boy which gave you chills, who the fuck laughs at getting punched in the stomach? •Time Skip•You woke up the next day and got ready

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as you were walking to school about five minutes away a blue car drove up from behind you and you come face to face again with your demise, four of them now. Patrick was sitting in the back as he rolled down the window.
" Get in. "
He simply demanded showing lack of emotions.
" Why? No. "
You replied which angered him more.
" Get In! "
He demanded again, you just stood there looking at him as you shook your head, out of anger he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you into the car making you sit next to him as he rested his arm around you. You just stayed there hearing them talk about you and other girls as if you weren't even there which made you feel sick to your stomach. You wanted to leave, but there was nowhere you could go you were surrounded by four boys and if there friends with a person like Hockstetter they must be bad people. Once you arrived at school you quickly got out the car trying to grab your things quickly and getting out of there eyesight as fast as possible but an arm pulled grabbed you before you could run.
" Listen here, for now on you are mine, my girlfriend , you have no choice. I chose you. "
You looked at him anger shown on your face causing him to smile. You scoffed how dare he be so heartless, so selfish and inconsiderate. He looked at you as you scoffed and then anger showed in his eyes just made you more pissed off.
" Fuck off "
Was all you said as you pulled your arm away and walked off into the school.
" Hey get back here! "
He barked but you payed no attention as you kept on walking.
" Wow she's a bitch. "
The boy with a mullet said.
" She'll be scared eventually, I just have to let her know she's mine. "
He said simply as he pulled out a cigarette and smoked as they saw a kid named Stan walk by
so they quickly went to pick on him.
•Time Skip•
After school nothing strange happened you arrived home with no problems and no creepy kid following you as you entered your house you remembered your dad was gone for the weekend so you went to your bedroom. As you approached your bed you saw a note on your bed saying the words.
" You should've locked your window, Princess."
Your blood ran cold when two hands were rested on your shoulder you let out a sigh knowing it was Patrick.
" Hello Y/n . "

684 words! hope you like what I'm writing so far! Thanks for reading.
by the way that's not Patrick but it is a demon clown that possibly eats children?

Don't Hold It Against Me (Patrick Hockstetter x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora