4~The Clown

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You turned around to see what looked like Patrick but it wasn't, you looked at this identical creature with pure confusion he had a more insane looking smile than Patrick's and his eyes were huge.
" Y/n, you'll die if you try.."
the person mumbled under his breath you almost couldn't hear him as you looked at him confused even more.
" Patrick...?"
You asked. his face was expressionless as his eyes turned yellow. Wide eyed at what was going on you asked again,
"Patrick ?"
His face then morphed into a clown face and he grew eight feet tall within minutes.
" Y/n You'll float too! "
The clown now stood in front of you as you stood there frozen in fear, you've had a fear of clowns for a while especially an eight fucking foot one.
The clown laughed at you being frozen as his laugh grew more creepy he mumbled the words " pathetic " and " weak " under his voice as he towered over you. He let out one last laugh and soon disappeared leaving you there frozen in fear not able to move or speak you just stood there , frozen. Once you gained consciousness again it was 9pm and your father was calling you down for dinner. You walked down the halls and down the stairs processing what had just happened. "What was that? Am I going insane? " you asked yourself  as you then entered kitchen you sat down looking at the food, delivered food as you began to eat.
Dinner was quiet none of you said a word only occasional glances until your father asked you this which annoyed the life out of you.
" So, how was school? "
You immediately replied with,
" It was fine. "
But it wasn't you knew that, and deep down inside your father knew that too but he just brushed it off assuming that someone said something and that kids will be kids.You continued to eat your food and then went upstairs to prepare for bed still shaken up by the clown you saw earlier. Your dreams didn't help either you had a nightmare of you walking down an abandoned school immediately recognizing it as your new school but it was nighttime as you walked down and empty hallway you saw Patrick at the end of it he turned to face you as half is face was burned and he held a lit lighter in his hand.
" Join me y/n, where You'll float! "
He yelled as you quickly turned to run hearing Patrick's voice changed into a demonic clown voice and heavy footsteps obviously heavier than his followed you screaming the words " you'll float too! " you turned around as you were running to see the same eight foot clown from before chasing after you with an insane laugh as he quickly got closer and soon the clown grabbed you before he could attack you, you woke up crying and in fear and hyperventilating over what had happened tears welting your eyes as panic was on your mind. It was real, too real to be fake you thought you were going crazy or that it was just your imagination. You sighed in relief when you realize it was thankfully all a dream but you wondered who was that clown? And why was it so real? You kept thinking that as you got up and got ready for school. You then arrived at school as the same clown appeared in you're head over and over you didn't even realize you had pass the bowers gang until you snapped out of your thoughts and turned around to see Patrick luck his lips. You cringed and walked to you class still wondering about what that clown was and that's when someone tapped your shoulder.  It was the same kid before that warned you all he said was.
" You see it too? "
You nodded your head knowing he was talking about the clown and that's when he said his name was Richie Tozier and you told him your name little did you know you two would become great friends and will have to fight the same " it " clown during summer.

729 words,  I hope you like this story, and I hope you continue reading this story! Should I continue writing penny wise into the story or no please let me know? Anyways thanks for reading this far bye!!

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