Sisters- Part 3

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Third POV:

~Time skip~

So... the big day has come... only a week later from the call Elsa had gotten at the Frost's house.

The funeral of Agnarr and Iduna...

The two sisters were currently sitting next to each other at the ceremony. They were listening to all the speeches everyone had to say about their parents.

Their aunt and uncle said a few things, some close business partners, friends, and even Jack said a few things about the couple.

Jack was sitting beside Elsa holding her hand, being the strength she needed at that point in time. She tried not to cry again in front of Anna because it seemed like Anna couldn't stop crying at all.

Jack would give her reassuring squeezes to her hand every now and then.

After about an hour the ceremony was over and they were now at the cemetery, watching the coffins being lowered into the ground.

It was honestly scary. The people you once loved are... well, now gone for the rest of your life. It's kinda chilling. Like being told you're the only person still alive in that photo. (A/n: uh yea... happened to me. My grandma passed due to cancer and I lost my two dogs this year. I was looking at old pictures and it was literally me, my grandma, and those two dogs. Talk about a chilling moment).

After most people left, Anna was holding onto Elsa's hand and Jack had his arm around Elsa. He tried to comfort her as he could.

"Elsie?" Anna asked. Elsa looked down at her sister.

"Yes Anna?"

"Are we going to be okay? What are we going to do?" Anna asked. Elsa kisses her sisters forehead.

"I think we will be fine Anna. We are going to live at our house still. Nothing will change for you Okay? I'm going to try and make everything better yeah?" Elsa tried to convince her sister and herself.

"Okay Elsie. C-can you hold me?" Anna asked.

"Yes. But this may be one of the last times I can. You're getting so much bigger. So much taller," Elsa said.

"Are you saying I'm getting fat?" Anna pouted playfully. She was trying to lighten the mood somehow.

"That is not at all on what I said," Elsa chuckled kissing her sisters head. "Should we go home?" Elsa then asked. Anna nodded.

"Let's go," Jack said bringing the two girls toward the car.

When they arrived home Anna ran to her room. Elsa stayed downstairs with Jack. It had only been a week since finding out about her parents. Jack stayed with her. He didn't want to leave. He even told his mother he wasn't going to leave them just yet.

"Jack?" Elsa whispered.

"Yes Els?" He asked.

"I'm sorry you're spending your vacation with me... you really don't have to... you could go have fun with your family and yet you stayed with us. Why?" She asked.

"Because," He said and moved closer to her. "You both need someone to comfort you right now and I want to be that person," he said and held her hand. "I feel like you need me right now and I will not leave you ever," he said squeezing her hand gently.

"But what about school Jack? You still need to go in a few weeks. I can't be selfish keeping you here. I feel like I'm keeping you from your family. I can't be selfish anymore," she said her eyes about tear up again.

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